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Nexium Questions

Displaying 54 questions associated with Nexium.

I have been taking over the counter Nexium for 1 month now. I have taken Rx nexium for several?

... years and it worked great, but it was so expensive. So, I recently started taking 2-20mg over the counter pills a day instead of the 1-40mg tablet …my pharmacist said this should be the same thing. It isn't working! I have had acid reflux and heartburn worse than I've had in 2... read more

What is the best thing to take for heart burn?

I have tried Tums,Pepcid and my doctor even put me on Nexium 20mg and nothing seems to even ease it off and it gets worse when I lay down.

Is it safe to take 40mg of Nexium twice a day?

I developed acid and/or bile reflux two months after gall bladder surgery. The Dr. put me on 40mg of Nexium for two weeks and I got about 70-80% relief of my symptoms. I still felt some burning in my throat and a lot of burping. The Dr increased the Nexium dosage to 80mg daily. I am concerned about... read more

Does omeprazole and nexium 40mg have the same ingredients. Nexium seems to work much better?

Have been on omeprazole for 1 1/2 months after being on nexium for a couple years and the feeling of a lump in my throat is back and I suffer from much gas. Can't afford nexium anymore due to 50% co-pay & mandatory 3 month renewals from mail order drug.With nexium I was symptom free almost... read more

Does Nexium cause hair loss? I have been taking it off and on for 2yrs. my hair is getting thinner?

... and thinner. Blood test show no problems. No heredity of loss in family. No stress except for worried about my hair. I'm 63 yrs old, but all women in my family had a full set of hair. Only thing to think about is this drug I'm taking. Please let me know if this drug could be my... read more

Can you take antacids while on nexium?

I have been taking nexium for 9 years now. In the past couple weeks I have experienced much gastrol discomfort especially flatulence and this seems to have triggered my gerd with lots of heartburn and not much relief from taking the nexium. Can I take antacids alongside nexium. Is it possible... read more

Can I get anxiety from Nexium?

I just started taking Nexium 2days ago. I take it in the morning and by nite time I had anxiety with tingling to my lips and nose. I could not sleep can it be from the nexium which is working beautiful for my hyatial hernia

Can you take Nexium on an empty stomach?

I don't usually eat anything after 9pm , and I was wondering if taking it on an empty stomach after 9pm is safe, or do I need to eat something with it?

I need help determining when to take my Nexium!?

I take levothyroxine, lysinooril and gabapentin in the morning and norvask and gabapentin in the evening. I'm also supposed to take Nexium 20mg twice daily. I need help figuring out how to do this around meal periods.

GERD - I took 40 mg of Nexium this am but am feeling the reflux in my chest and back. It has not?

... been 24 hours. Previously was taking Omeprazole twice daily (20mg). I am frustrated and worry that I will end up with esophageal cancer! Does anyone else take more than 40 mg of Nexium/day? I am so anxious about this! Thank you

Nexium 20mg side effects and withdrawal symptoms?

I took Nexium 20mg for a week in an attempt to eliminate acid reflux. But since day 2 i have been suffering from blurred vision, dizziness, lightheadedness, anxiety and lack of concentration. Knowing that i stopped taking the drug 2 days ago, how long would syptoms last for after quitting the drug... read more

Generic Nexium - Does anyone know when this will be available?

The drug is very expensive and my insurance will not pay for it. I think the brand name is safe for 10 yrs, then it can go generic. I've taken Imitrex for years for migraines - also very expensive. It is now a generic and affordable; but still not cheap.

I just starting taking nexium 40m and since Sunday I loos of appetite and I don't liked at all I?

... need to eat but I don't feel hungry at all I need to is this a side effects of the medication and how long it will go away so I can eat food and feel better right now I feel ver weak and very tired?

Can Sucralfate/Prilosec and Sucralfate/Nexium be taken at the same time?

In the morning, I have to take Levothyroxine as soon as I get up per Endocrinologist.Then 30 minutes later, I have been taking Nexium/Sucralfate. The GE dr. did not specify timing and it's difficult to get an answer.Then later, I eat breakfast and take Etodolac. This takes a lot of morning... read more

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GERD, Barrett's Esophagus, Erosive Esophagitis, Helicobacter Pylori Infection

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