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Escitalopram Questions (Page 9)

Displaying 194 questions associated with Escitalopram.

Escitalopram - Lexapro First 2 weeks side effects?

Hi all, i started lexapro 11 days ago now, and it has been a bit of tough road so far.. I was on celexa 3 years ago for panic & anxiety and got after a year and was pretty successful. My anxiety came back around 8 weeks ago and i went to a different doc you recommended lexapro 5mg, I started... read more

Can escitalopram affect you blood sugar levels. I was diagnosed as pre diabetic while I was on Paxil

Since I switched to escitalopram my sugar levels have been lower. I currently take medication for diabetes but I have been dealing with low blood sugar. Any correlation in changing SSRI and blood sugar levels?

Is it normal to have good days and bad days when you start taking escitalopram?

I have been on 10mg for 4 weeks now. Anxiety comes and goes. Mood seems to be improving.

Most beneficial dosage of escitalopram for GAD?

I recently started on 10mg of escitalopram (live in the UK) for 4 weeks and 3 days ago I upped to 15 mg for severe GAD which causes panic and periods of depression. I was wondering what dosage others found most beneficial for tackling GAD as most of my issues stem from that and my perfectionism?... read more

Anxiety again after some days calm on escitalopram?

I started taking escitalopram a month ago - 5mg for 2 weeks and rose up to 10mg. I was feeling good after 20 days and had almost no anxiety for some days. I will start a new job soon and for the last 2 days I have had anxiety attacks again. Is this normal? Did anyone experience a fall back. Should... read more

Does escitalopram 10mg make you feel worse than first few days?

I've been taking escitalopram 10mg for the last 3 days. I've been struggling for a year now with quite severe anxiety everything makes me anxious and I mean everything. I've had anxiety off and on for years but usually it goes after few weeks. Everyday I'm living with slight... read more

Is it normal to feel foggy after taking escitalopram?

I have always struggled with anxiety but recently I was having several panic attacks per day. I went to my doctor and she prescribed me 10mg of escitalopram. Yesterday was my first day taking it and I've never taken any other sort of anxiety medication before. Right after taking it, I was fine... read more

Still not great going into week 4 escitalopram?

I started on 10mg of escitalopram about 3 and a bit weeks ago. After the third week on 10mg I thought things were OK the fog had lifted a bit. However, I went out and did some stuff and had a very bad panic attack. Since then my confidence has been shattered and I am struggling. Doctor has put me... read more

Escitalopram - Switch from Lexapro brand to generic?

Long story short. I’ve been on Brand necessary Lexapro for 10 years. I’ve paid for the brand at the jnsurNce company’s highest cost tier which was fine. I needed it. Now the evil insurance company just decided on my renewal that I am responsible for the cost difference between... read more

Escitalopram - Should I go ahead and try this medication?

I received this medication at age 17 but when I took it for a week and a half I was going to school and work and it was so unbearable because I couldn’t eat I was severely underweight as it was. I stopped the medication. Now I am 21 and I am worse than ever I think because of Covid I became... read more

Sexual function on escitalopram?

Does this cause sexual problems within men and do they go away in time?

Escitalopram - 2 weeks into this and anxiety has completely gone but Im left with jittery legs?

Im just over 2 weeks on these meds and they have been a life saver, all my anxiety has passed and im feeling alot better, i went out todayband my legs felt weak and jittery, i also felt a bit spaced out and unwell. Is this normal or should i speak to the doctor about reducing im currently on 10mg... read more

Does anyone hallucinate taking escitalopram 20mg ? I wll wake up in the bed and I could swear my...

... wife is in the room with me. BTW, she lives in a memory care center. This morning I woke up to her sitting on the edge of our bed, then she got up and walked out. Am I going nuts?

Citalopram - Does citalopram work for disturbing thoughts?

In September I had a nervous breakdown doctor put me on escitalopram 20mg 3 months and it still has not worked. So did a direct switch from escitalopram to citalopram 30mg. It's my second day. I have extremely disturbing thoughts which is probably OCD. I have intense fear and anxiety and... read more

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