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Chronic Pain Questions (Page 6)

Displaying 285 questions associated with Chronic Pain.

Can gabapentin & Oxycodone be taken together?

I'm prescribed 900mg gabapentin and 10/325 oxycodone. Are they safe to take together? I am nervous! Some things say it's safe & others say it is deadly. I'm so confused! Waiting to hear back from my doctor. Has anyone taken them together? Tia Jenn

I am facing a total hip replacement due to bone on bone with no cartridge left in one of my hips.

I have been in chronic pain and severe arthritis pain for 25 years and I’m not getting treatment for it until now, I recently got an orthopedic surgeon appointment at the first meeting my X-rays showed my fears my left hip has degenerated to bone on bone extremely painful and also rheumatoid... read more

Does Valium work well for a muscle relaxer?

I’m allergic to so many of the muscle relaxers, I want to try something different. I take methocarbamol without a problem but it doesn’t work very well. I’m hoping to get some relief somehow. I’m slowly weaning off duloxetine and I stopped taking gabapentin and trazodone... read more

Fibromyalgia question, have any of you ever had one side of your body begin hurting much worse than?

the other side, suddenly? I don't quite know what is going on here, but one side of my body hurts much worse than the other. This has been going on for about three weeks, so I know it's no sports injury, nor did I lift any piano's lately. Thank you in advance to anyone that answers!

How do I find doctors that currently accept medicaid?

I have rheumatoid and osteo arthritis, fibromyalgia, hypothyroid and obviously, chronic pain. I lost my job and insurance this past January and have recently received medicaid. I was on 30mg morphene sulfate timed release with (4) 15mg breakthrough per day, and Humira. My GP has me on .225 mg of... read more

Cymbalta tolerance?

I have been on cymbalta 60mgs for about 4 years. I tried to get off of it because of the weight gain but the withdrawls were horrible so i went back. For the past 6 months I have been getting those brain "zaps" a couple times a week and i feel like i haven't taken it even though i... read more

Can tramadol cause hair loss?

I am suspicious this med has caused hair loss in me because of when both events started. Even though tramadol has worked for me in controlling my back/sciatica and knee pain, the hair loss has been depressing

What happens if my butrans patch gets wet underneath from the shower, is effectiveness ruined?

Just a corner lifted up. Does that ruin the effectiveness of the patch?

Anyone use the Butrans patch with oxycodone for break through pain?

I have been taking Hydrocodone 10mg/325 for years and it just is not working or if it does it wears off within a couple of hours. I just got a script for Oxycodone 15mg. It works but knocks me out, where the Hydrocodone hyped me up. I worry about driving on the Oxycodone. I had been wearing a... read more

What medications will cause heart flutters and irregular heart beat?

Have CRPS and have taken many meds over eth years - since on tramadol I ahve had heart flutters that now lead to racing heart, missing beats and it goes on for hours. I have no energy, feel faint and am totally exhausted doing nothing. Dr's say its a benign PVC - I did NOT have this before the... read more

I have recently been prescribed Tramadol 50mg. It isn't doing anything for my pain at all..normal?

I was told to take 2 a day as needed for my back pain... it doesn't even dull the pain at all...

Has anyone else had hair loss when takin amitriptyline?

Ive been taking 25mg of elavil at bedtime for about 3 months for interstitial cystitis. It does help a little with the chronic pain, but doesnt touch most of my back and pelvic pain. Before i started this i never slept through a night, getting up from 1-10 times in one night to pee. Im currently... read more

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tramadol, gabapentin, Cymbalta, oxycodone, ibuprofen, hydrocodone, naproxen, acetaminophen, amitriptyline, view more... Percocet, pregabalin, methadone, duloxetine, diclofenac, OxyContin, codeine, fentanyl, morphine, nortriptyline, buprenorphine, Butrans, Dilaudid, Roxicodone, Percocet 10/325, hydromorphone

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