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How long after removing my butrans patch can I take my new meds oxyconton?

6 Answers

DOUNO1 19 May 2015

Hello. I just started wearing a Butran patch last mo. My pain dr told me that it was fine to take either Vicodin or Percocet with the patch as needed. I did ask my pharmacist how long the Butran would stay in my body after removing the patch. He seemed hesitant to give me an answer. When I said "maybe a few hrs" he did say maybe a little longer, I have a 5 mg patch. You can also always call the pharmacists

Votes: +1
butrannotforme 15 March 2014

My dr kept me on my 10mg lorcet when i also started on a 10 mg butrans patch it was to much for me as it caused me severe breathing problems i discountinued immeadiately an on anti biotics for congestion each person has a different toralence so read all side effects an monitor yourself closely let your dr know asap if you have first signs hope it works for you when

Votes: +0
aaron2011 1 May 2013

Thanks very much for help. I started taking the oxyconton 12 hours after removing the patch. I am taking 10 mgs nd. I have felt no side effects so far. Im hoping it makes a difference to my level of pain,I have been on other morphine based meds to no avail..What are others opinions on this med?

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Factfinder411 1 May 2013

My dad took diludid after he got off of the patches and exalgo XR.

Marino1313 3 Feb 2014

Hey guys. I give ya my input on butrans patch. Its terrible for me. I was only on 10-15 mils of oxycodone per day. My dr took me straight from that to 20mcg/hr butran. Idk but I heard it was supposed to be powerful and work. Only been 15 days but ive had a pretty bad headache everyday since start.I called dr after 5-6th day he said stick it out and it will be fine. I also haven't slept a full 4 hours straight since either. I have not had any surgery yet and was told I should wait as long as I can. Two degerated discs. I never been on any pills before 3 months prior to the patch. Oxy ir worked way better for me. Idk What to say to him.

Marino1313 3 Feb 2014

I left out the part that it did not me help at all!!! sorry.

subzero58 1 May 2013

Hi aaron,wait 12-24 hours. At first you may not feel the oxy, but as soon as the bup starts leaving your brain receptors you will be fine.btw all the bup will be outta your brain in 4 days. but you can start your new meds when you start to feel pain or withdraw. But don't be surprised if you need more oxy. bup has a way of highering your tolorence to opiates.please keep in mind that you should have open dialoge with your doctor during this starting period.He/She may need to adjust your dose till your feeling right again. hope this helps and good luck... subzero58... pete

Votes: +2
Lisa01 1 May 2013

I took narcotic breakthrough meds the whole time I was using the butrans patch with no problems so I would think you could start your new meds immediately. You might have an increased potential for drowsiness or dizziness though so it might be best to wait until you're home for the night and not having to drive or go out until you find out how you react to the new medication.

Votes: +1
COVERGRL1 10 Dec 2014

I thought the butrans patch blocked meds like norco, vicatin, lortab, etc. from entering the opioid receptors making it pointless to take them while using the patch. If this is true and the patch takes a week to work, I wouldn't be able to use pain meds for breakthrough pain, would I?

Silverman2244 25 Aug 2016

People on this site always give false information about the butran patch you can take other narcotic medicine while you are on the patch and the other medicine does work un like what everybody says on here, I take the butran patch and I'm on Norcos and I feel when my Norcos work while I'm on the butran patch people like to say that butran patch blocks all other narcotics but they are wrong completely wrong they do not know what they're talking about, that's my two cents and my two cents are true

Factfinder411 30 April 2013

I would start the next day or the day after since they do have a half life. Or when you start feel like they are wearing off.

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chronic pain, butrans, patch

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