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Alcohol Questions (Page 5)

Displaying 324 questions associated with Alcohol.

Can alprazolam aid in alcohol withdrawal?

After three years of fairly heavy drinking (either a bottle of wine or a 6 pack of beer, and occasionally a bit more, nearly every night). I decided to join an AA group. I've also talked to my doctor, who had previously prescribed me alprazolam (Xanax), when I was trying to pass my alcoholism... read more

Migraine - Why should one avoid alcohol while taking Topamax?

I rarely drink, but when I do I seem fine and then BAM!!! And I will wake rarely remembering the last half hour of the previous evening... I want to be able to enjoy an occasional adult beverage, but is it even possible with this medication?

I cant find a dr who will prescribe me valium symptoms anxiety my nightmares and leg cramps?

I have to use a night cap otherwise my anxiety levels and stress will not allow me to sleep then the dr says he wont prescribe valium because of the alcohol. I wont need a drink if I had a valium and I would never risk mixing yhe two. I have had a lot of physical and emotional trama this last 3... read more

I was diagnosed with Cirrhosis of Liver in Dec 13 excess alcohol consumption. Can I take beer?

I was taking alcohol occasionally for last 10 years. But it became regular since 2010. Then, from April 2013 the quantity became 180ml to 540ml daily with no choice of brand. But after diagnosis, I stopped drink totally. All my tests became normal in Aug 2014 reports. But for last 15 days I started... read more

Can I consume alcohol while taking amoxicillin?

I was prescribed with amoxicillin by my dentist. The reason my dentist gave me that antibiotic was because my gums got swollen with a big of puss which made one side of my throat hurt. All of this was caused because of my wisdom teeth. The amoxicillin was given to ease the pain and swelling in... read more

Zoloft in the morning, alcohol at night?

I’m an effort to deal with my depression, I decided to take the antidepressant route. I was prescribed Zoloft. I’m aware of how highly recommended it is to avoid drinking alcohol while taking Zoloft, but being a newly 21 y/o college student, I find it difficult to enjoy myself in... read more

Macrobid - can I drink alcohol while taking this?

Anyone ever drink while on Viibryd?

I have drank (not much, just one at dinner or such every sooften) on my last antidepressant, Prozac, with no problem. Viibryd has such big warnings about not drinking any alcohol. After being on it for almost a year now I only tonight had half an amaretto sour now I'm worried what it will do... read more

Has anyone had any experience with Naltrexone & alcohol consumption?

I know about the warnings but wondered if anyone has tried this or knows anyone that has? & how it affected them? I'd be grateful for any responses.

Hi all, has anyone used Benzodiazepine's to quit drinking?

I know that Benzo's and alcohol work on the same receptors in your brain, and i've heard that Librium &/or Diazepam can help alcoholics to recover & stay off the drink. I've taken Librium at very short courses before when i've detoxed. Does anyone know the recommended... read more

Can you drink alcohol while on metformin?

I'm going on holiday, is it all right to have an alcoholic drink?

Xanax and Alcohol?

I am on the smallest dose per day of alprazolam (xanax) (.25mg) to combat panic attacks I started having after a heart attack (about 7 or 8 years ago). I usually take it right before I go to bed because that's when I've had most of the panic attacks and I feel it helps me sleep. I'm... read more

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