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Results for 'Lidoderm Pain'

Does the lidoderm patch have potential for abuse if yes, how, if its not a narcotic?

my brother was on the fetnal patch until it got recalled. he broke his back in four places and got addictid to them and know they put him on lidaerim... read more

Lidoderm - Can you use these patches in more than one place? For example; I have upper neck pain and

... arthritis in my knee. Can I put a patch on my neck and on my knee at the same time?

Lidoderm - Is it safe to use on my neck?

What is the advantage of ZTlido over Lidoderm?

Is there any contraindication to using a heating pad over a Lidoderm patch?

My Mother has severe arthritis of the neck that causes her severe pain. She gets some relief from a heating pad throughout the day. Her PCP... read more

I have been prescribed lidoderm patch but they will not stay attached - any suggestions?

to get them to stay or an alternative?

Lidoderm - Can the patch be used more than 12 hours at a time. What about continuous?

Elderly lady has people coming in to apply patch but but not always around 12 hrs later. Plus... patient wants to use it continuously.

I have lower back pain, can I use lidoderm patch?

Can I use my Lidoderm 5% Patch on sore muscles in/on my arms, neck, shoulders?

When I say "sore", I mean to say painful muscles.

Can I wear my Lidoderm patches while showering?

How long is a Lidoderm patch active after expiration date, if the envelope has never been opened?

The ones I have expired 10/2015. A co-worker gave them to me because I had always had an aching back after work. I never found them helpful in easing... read more

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