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Results for 'Latuda Bipolar Disorder Borderline Personality Disorder Schizophrenia'

Latuda: to take or not to take?

My psych prescribed Latuda yesterday, to help me with my moods. I don't have an official diagnosis like schizophrenia or... read more

What are replacement drugs for Seroquel?

What are alternative drugs for quietapine/Seroquel? In the old days they prescribed lithium salt for bipolar disorder.... read more

I have been taking Latuda now for 4 days and no symptom relief, how long until it starts working?

I was diagnosed with schizophrenia about 2 years ago I have been on numerous meds. I just started taking Latuda 4 days ago. For two... read more

What is a good drug that can help with hallucinations I have bipolar?

Right now I’m taking olanzapine and it doesn’t seem to be working for the hallucinations. Any suggestions?

Can you stop taking Latuda immediately?

Can Latuda be cut in half or split?

How fast does Latuda work?

Is Latuda a controlled substance?

Better to cut my Depakote pills in half if I don't have enough? Or go a couple days without them?

I take 2 - 250mg pills of Depakote twice each morning and night (for Borderline Personality Disorder), and was horrified... read more

Does Latuda make you sleepy?

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