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Results for 'Endocet Soma Xanax Seizures Anxiety Atenolol Generalized Anxiety Disorder Medication'

How to ensure I will not have a seizure when I stop taking xanax?

So about 2 weeks ago I had my first seizure. I am 23 yrs old n have been on numerous medications during the past few yrs (endocet,... read more

Carisoprodol - How much soma would be safe to stop cold turkey without the possibility of seizures?

I've been taking up to 10-12 350 mg somas throughout the day for anxiety, for a week and a half. I know that I can't take... read more

Atenolol - how long for side effects to subside?

I am a 37 year old female and was was started on Atenolol .25 mg 1x/daily for rapid heart rate due to anxiety issues yesterday.... read more

What are the best medication for chronic pain, anxiety and seizure disorders?

My son suffered a TBI in August 2011. Two months later he started having seizures. He's been on Hydrocodene, Percocets, Xanax,... read more

Are seizures a result of xanax withdrawal?

I have suffered from PTSD and Generalized Anxiety Disorder since grade school. I have been to many dr's over the... read more

Olanzapine - Do they prescribe this medication for people with anxiety? And is it related to Xanax?

Just want to know if can be prescribed for anxiety issues or used in replace or related to the Xanax family?

Does xanax cause eye redness?

I need any information on eye redness caused by xanax the anxiety medication.

Xanax - What am I to do about my anxiety?

At 70, and after 12 years of disability and a spine that cannot be fixed and being told I'd have to learn to live with it, my doctor says he can... read more

Klonopin vs Xanax - How are they different?

Has anyone found anything better than xanax-XR for panic attacks and anxiety? It works great for me?

I have been on quite a few benzos for aniety/ panic attacks but so far have found this to be the best one yet. An overall even feel all day as u only... read more

How have some of you got over the fear of medication and took it?

I have been prescribed fluoxetine, xanax, and hydroxyzine for anxiety. I am terrified to try any of these medications. I do not... read more

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