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Is the FDA taking Soma off the US market, and can you still purchase Soma in canada?

7 Answers

Debbyad 25 Aug 2019

I go to a pain management physician because I have had 3 cervical surgeries, a dislocated Sacroiliac Joint and suffer from severe Migraine headaches. I’ve tried Botox, my insurance doesn’t cover Botox and now generic Soma is off the market which I took daily. Soma is a great drug for muscle cramps, now I read that I can’t get Soma anymore! Why do drug companies take a drug off the formulary when it works so well?! When can I get Soma again? Why did the drug company stop making it? I’ve tried other muscle relaxants, but this one works the best?!

Votes: +0
Candy Butler 8 May 2017

I have been using Soma name brand for 20 years. I am a workman's comp patient that never settled my medicals. I use all name brand drugs that are paid for by my workman's comp carrier. I take Soma 350's and my Rite Aid in Mobile, Al has always filled it. They are now telling me brand named Soma is not available until June of 2017 and that no drug store in the US has it until then. Is this true and why.

Votes: +0
jamesbauer 15 May 2012

Yes you can still get SOMA 350mg call at this
Number- 1779-456-7801
Ask for Sam

Votes: +1
chesh6280 1 May 2013

Not a valid number

Candy Butler 8 May 2017

By the way I live in the USA. The mfg of this drug is meda pha.

painfullife 1 Sep 2011

OMG I hope this info not! Soma is the ONLY muscle relaxer that actually works for me and to be honest I'm barely hanging on as it is...

What people who are not in pain don't understand is that if your hurting bad enough and you find a medicine that works the benefits often outweigh the risks.

Votes: +8
idacra 1 Sep 2011

painfullife, I agree with your statement that it seems to be the only muscle relaxer that works, my Dr. changed me to Bacoflen it's ok but I have never been able to find a different muscle relaxer that works like soma, SUGGESTION; yesterday I had trigger point injections of local anesthetic and steroid into sensitive areas of my muscle tissue, (trapeziusand levator scapula muscles) Dr. said it takes 48 to 72 hrs for it to begin to work and 7 to 30 days to get full benefit. I'm praying this really works, if you haven't tried this yet suggest it to your Dr., word of advice while getting shots possible reaction to jerking because of sharp pain, you must be absolutely still I did this but fortunately pulled forward away from needle if i had pushed back Dr. said it would have collasped my lung Praise God this did not happen! If you'd like to know more let me know and I will be praying you have HIS Healing Virtue flowing through your body, God Bless

smurkyjo 20 Aug 2013

try zanaflex... im the same way. I either cant take it or ive tried it and it doesnt work... zanaflex works but i can only take 2mg at day and 4 at night..too sedating

bailey61 21 Oct 2016

Sorry but I suffer from a car accident injuries and fibromyalgia have been on Soma for 20 years. Pain doctor told me to stop them Spoke to family doctor this week It has already been pulled in U.K. and will stop making it this year. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

Melody1717 21 July 2018

I take the same thing Soma and my doctor told me she has to put me on something else because Soma is off the market that is so STUPID because Soma is the only thing that helps me!!! My back and knee hurt every day really bad that is not right to do that us!!! Just some idiot goes and to much thats not right!!!

Patti1100 8 Sep 2018

I have been on soma for years it is the only thing that works for me also I have fibromyalgia and that is painful I have tried everything else even botox two different kinds did not work.they need to come up with something that works alot betteralso I take it because it does help with sleep I also take trazodone and melatonin. They always screw with the medicine that helps..

DzooBaby 31 May 2011

My information was from a Dr who does pain management/neurology out of Albany NY. I heard it from the Medscape website that Soma was going to be removed from the market some time this year. He did not give a specific date. The reason was that Soma breaks down to a drug called Meprobamate which is an older sleeping medication from the 1950-1960's known as Miltown. It (Miltown) was taken off the market due to being highly misused and addictive. Soma breaks down into this drug. Soma has already been taken off of many European markets. Canada was not mentioned. It is being taken off because of its ability to produce profound dependency and the risks to this medication outweigh the benefits. There are other safer medications that works as well for a muscle relaxant. That was the main gist of the article about Soma. My pain clinic will not prescribe it.


When I came to this clinic I was taking Soma and they took me right off and put me on Tizanidine which I dont think works nearly as well. I never felt dependent on Soma. Personally, I could take them or leave them, but this clinic refuses to prescribe them at all and I have heard many others say their Drs will not prescribe them either. Time will tell if this is right as far as it being taken off the market. There must be information out there somewhere that Drs are seeing in regards to this medication. I, too, have looked on other websites including the FDA website and have seen nothing in regards to the possibility of it coming off the market but really, they often remove things without prior warning.

Votes: +0
caringsonbj 30 May 2011

I heard this through what I would expect to be reputable that sometime this year that Soma was no longer going to be made, what I can't answer is if it is going to be available in Canada, sorry that I can't verify further for you.

Votes: +0
Inactive 30 May 2011

Billy, do you know why they are taking it off the market. I have never taken one, but know people who do. Von

caringsonbj 30 May 2011

actually I don't know the reason why Dzoobaby mentioned it in answering a question about the drug and I recall her stating that sometime (this year) or in the near future they would not continue to manufacture Soma, she didn't say whether it would be available outside like in Canada.

idacra 30 May 2011

The reason I've asked this question is my Dr. at the pain clinic told me that prob. by July this would be happening, yet I can find no where on the web this information even under FDA web site. My Dr. took me off this when it works better than any other medication of this type, it seems everyone I try knocks me out but Soma actually works without this side effect. Thanks for your answer if you or any one else can direct me to a site with this information it would be greatly appreciated.

Inactive 30 May 2011

Just makes me wonder whats going on. Being in the medical field so long, I always like to know why? Because they will come out withsomething and next thing it has such bad side effects they pull it. But when it first comes out its a wonderful thing! Oh well, who knows. Von

caringsonbj 30 May 2011

the person that may be able to give me more information is due back in town tomorrow, I will keep this inserted in my box and I will ask her if she knows any further information if I recall correctly someone who was on Soma asked the question if it wasn't be removed from production and I know this person who answered yes well enough until I will contact her and see what I can find out, if I find out more I will enter the information on this sheet or I will friend you and if I know anything you can write me a personal message and I will find out as much as I can my site name is Caringsonbj my first name is

caringsonbj 30 May 2011

I friended Idacra (the woman wanting to know about the Soma) I told her I friended her and tomorrow I should be able to find out more about Soma, I will try and remember and I will try and let you also know what I find out either by sending you a message or PM---

caringsonbj 30 May 2011

they have made this medication for a long long time but Vonnie you know how it is they are always changing---

Inactive 31 May 2011

Billy, thats true, they change stuff all the time. its possible the company who makes it has come out with something else. I have seen this happen. The Reps use to come in and want us to really push a med then a few mos later the same rep would want us to stop writting it and push another one that was new they had come up with. But I do remember something about someone asking about this. But anyway thanks, Im just wondering. Have a good nite. Vonnie

BRRMARS 30 May 2011

I hope it is, and yeah probably you could.

Votes: +1
Diana Baggett 18 Oct 2018

Are you off your rocker leave soma alone now free discount card

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