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Results for 'Zoloft Panic Disorder Social Anxiety Disorder'

How long does Zoloft (sertraline) take to work?

Zoloft and worse anxiety nervousness?

is there a antidepressant that doesnt give you side effects but still works the same im on zoloft 100mg morning and 100mg night but just after... read more

How long for an increased dose of Zoloft to work?

I'm on my first week of Zoloft 25mg. What else is good to help with anxiety beside benzodiazepines??

Suffering from anxiety I went from Prozac 80mg to Zoloft 25mg. I know it takes weeks to kick in so I'm going through... read more

I am on Zoloft, can I eat anything?

I know Zoloft might have an interaction with grapefruit. Is there any other food I should be aware of? I read that I have to be careful with... read more

Sertraline - teeth grinding on Zoloft 50mg that started after 2 weeks continuing?

After being on Zoloft for over two weeks, I started grinding my teeth and having pain in my teeth. It has already been six days like this. Has... read more

I was prescribed Zoloft one year ago and was too afraid to take it after seeing the warnings?

I was prescribed this med for anxiety/ major depression. I didn’t take it now it’s a year later and my boyfriend wants to leave me... read more

I missed 3 weeks of my 100mg Zoloft (sertraline) dose.

I missed 2-3 weeks of my 100mg dose of Zoloft. I take it nightly. I fell back into a depression, and stopped taking it entirely. I am WELL... read more

I want to now how the drug zoloft effices the brain?

i want to now how it effictes the brain over all

What can I expect the first month of taking Zoloft 50 mg?

What can I expect the first month of taking Zoloft 50 mg?

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