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Results for 'Zofran Drug Dependence Opiate Withdrawal Pain Withdrawal'

What in the heck shows up as Morphine on a drug test?

I swear on my kids lives that I have NEVER taken meds that were not prescribed to me and Morphine showed up. I'm being dismissed by my doc... read more

Do you think I am back to square one with my Subutex/Suboxone detox?

I went 17 days cold turkey off of 2mg per day of Subutex this past October, 2010. On day 17 I could no longer take the nausea and anxiety, etc. so I... read more

How much longer can opiate withdrawal (hell on earth) last?

Friends: I need some help here. I have been off of opiates (perks, oxy's, dilaudid) for 23 days. I have been taking them daily for 4 years and... read more

Is Suboxone a controlled substance?

After using suboxone for 2 weeks at 2 mg a day how long should withdrawal last, I don't feel to bad?

I had a probably with roxy's lasting maybe only a month or two so I got a hold of four suboxone's to combat the withdrawal.... read more

Can you start taking Subutex with out having to wait until you are in withdrawal?

I am trying to stop taking oxys (480mgs a day for 2 years) and I was told that if I take Subutex instead of Suboxone that I can take it w/o having to... read more

PLEASE HELP! Going through wds... and on suboxone?

Hey guys! I will start off by saying that I have been using opiates for about 3 years now. It started with vikes..then perks..then methadone and now... read more

How long after precipitated withdrawal can I take more subutex?

i only waited 7hrs after taking off 75mcg fentanyl and have vicadin which should i take sub or v's to make this stop someone pls help i need it... read more

Im on day 4 of suboxone withdrawal... anyone know how long these w/d last? Seems like forever and?

... what I have read the spectrum seems huge. Just wanna honest answer

Can I use 2-3mg of suboxone/day for 3-4days to help with opiate withdrawl?

I've been thru rehab, outpatient, believe in god and am familiar with 12step programs. I have read so many different things online lately &... read more

Opiate Withdrawal - how long does the physical systems of withdrawal from oxycodone last?

I have been taking it for about a year and I'm on day five. I am hurting really bad. If I was to take a narcotic pain pill would it bring... read more

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