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Results for 'Infections Antibiotic Antibiotics Infection'

Acyclovir - Is it a form of antibiotic that will help a skin infection or bases under the skin?

will this help with any infections

Does anyone know anything about an antibiotic called Nitrofurantoin?

After being prescribed Cipro and Toviaz for a Urinary Tract Infection that spread to the bladder and ended up as a kidney infection its... read more

Amoxicillin - have been taking Amox TR-K CLV 875-125mg for 7 days for sinus infection. Today I woke?

... up with diarreah, and tenderness on my left side. I have 3 more days of this antibiotic to take. What to do?

How much/long to take Clindamycin with staph infection that was already treated with 2 other antib.?

Hello, I have a staph infection under my arm that was tested and is resistant to some antibiotics... I have already taken two... read more

Can I take suboxin with my antibiotics?

I woke up the other day with a softball in my mouth,lol!!! I got an infection i guess bc i have a few rotten teeth in mouth, created prob frum... read more

I have had a headache for almost a week straight?

I went to the doctor, who told me it was a sinus infection and put me on an antibiotic. I have had sinus headaches before, and they... read more

What is the best antibiotic to treat a sinus infection?

Urinary Tract Infection - I have an antibiotic resistant UTI, anyone tried anything thats worked?

Other than antibiotics. I'm desperate. I have been on and off antibiotics since last November, and as soon as I stop taking them... read more

Which antibiotic is better for tooth pain/infection, Cipro or Amoxicillin?

Tooth pain gets worse when I eat or drink something cold. Also, there is a partial crack in the tooth. I would also prefer an answer, if possible,... read more

Will keflex 250mg's 4 times per day kill a tooth infection?

I have a tooth that broke and the nerve is exposed and havnt been able to get fixed yet,now its starting to cause alot of painand i have this keflex... read more

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