Hoping to find some answers here seen as I've exhausted all other options and no-one seems to know.
I'm a 27 year old female. I broke my neck ( C6 in 3 places) in April 2011 and was operated on and have now a titanium plate. I've been giving the all clear, that everything is in place etc. but I have pain every single day! I can cope with my neck & back pain but the problem is since March 2014 I have been suffering terribly with pain running down my left leg - from my glute into behind my kneecap and into my ankle. The biggest problem is my ankle because it swells so big that I can't do sport etc. It's like a nail sticking up the sole of my foot and into the inner side of my left ankle.

I have tried everything: got bloods tested - nothing, was with a neurologist who did MRI scans of my lower back and neck and said all is fine (a bit of arthritis from my accident but that's not the cause), i've tried physiotherapy, acupuncture, reflexology, massage, osteopathy... I'm tried so much and I've found nothing!

Has anyone ever had this? It's so debilitating. I'm only 27 but yet suffer every day from chronic pain. I need an answer!