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My one year old has to take Clindamycin, I have to open a capsule & mix w/food it taste bad he wont?

3 Answers

TanaAKAmom 6 Aug 2012

I just figured out that my 4 year old cannot taste it (liquid form) in chocolate pudding :)

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nancydrew 4 July 2017

Even better in chocolate frosting lol

Psychmajor 7 Jan 2010

apple sause is what the pharmacist always said but they didnt give you a liquid? that to me is strange. its probably just the age but i have never seen a a young kid get prescribed a pill

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barbles2413 7 Jan 2010

have you tried applesauce sherbert juice or any baby bood friut or yogurt. I am so sorry it is frustrating when the baby has no idea why mommy wants him/her eat something they don't like. It took 3 of us to give my daughter meds. I found mixing it with liquid like flavored milk juice yogurt juice and puting it in a syringe and squirting it in the cheek and as mean as it sounds hold the jaw closed until he/she swallows. Good Luck and God Bless I hope this helps in someway God Bless you and I hope you baby gets better soon. Barb

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