I had a spinal stroke following surgery on my neck. I recieved Botox injections for spastisity of my right arm and leg. I had a very good response to the first injection but had a decreasing response with increasing doseages there after. The last injection I had increased spastisity in my arm in injected areas documented at two weeks after the injection that has continued to increase. I also lost the use of my biceps, which was not injected. I also had all the other botox reaction symptoms related to muscle weakness. The reaction was documented on second opinion.
With my condition continuing to decline to a point worse then before I began the injections.
At this point I am questioning if this could be some type of permanent response related to the Botox reaction. I do have a habit of doing things that are not supose to happen. The spinal stroke is a case in point. The stroke was April 28, 2010.
FYI: One of the symptoms I had was the resolving of a long history of urinary inconenence for about 8 months. My urologist was not suprise to hear this as she uses Botox to treat the type of spastic bladder condition I have.
The other odd symptom I have had is constipation that still continues. Any one else have this?