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Had a hair drug test and my prescribed drug (methylphenidate) was not found. Any reason why?

5 Answers

Dudemom 21 Aug 2024

Does Ritalin show in a hair follicle, if so how likely would a one time use of 20mg ER at least a month prior show in my hair follicle? I’m prescribed adderall 30mg daily

Votes: +0
rftn10 30 Sep 2013

Ritalin is not tested for in 5 panel or 10 panel tests. Ritalin is a methylphenidate not an amphetamine. It will not cause a positive or a false positive in a hair follicle tests. Too many people post mis conceptions and cannot back up their statements. Ritalin can be tested for however its very expensive and rarely ever does a company test for it.

Ritalin can cause a false positive in a urine test however its not common.

Anti depressants will never show up in a hair test.

Most people don't even know what ritalin is made of. It's formulation comes from the piperdine class not amphetamine class.

I have spoken to several reputable drug testing companies almost all universally told me it will not show up on a hair follicle test.

Don't listen to the people who post just to post. They usually piggy back from another person who has no clue about ritalin etc.

Votes: +3
Inactive 30 May 2012

One, well... me, would imagine with a hair sample being tested, that the tester was serious about what drug was there, what wasn't ... gc/ms serious. Those things can test for one soma, found metabolites, that I had taken 3 weeks earlier. Not kidding. Of course I had a script, just didn't like them, like Robaxin 750, works better on me.
Just wonderin',

Votes: +0
DzooBaby 30 May 2012

I'm not saying he wasnt serious. He asked for a reason WHY something might not be there and that is a reason. This is true for a hair or a urine test. They have certain cutoff limits and if the amount of drug falls below this cutoff limit, it will come up as a negative. Whether this is truly what happened? I dont know but it is a possibility why something might show negative when a person knows they are taking a drug. It doesnt mean drug wasnt found, it is just below the cutoff limit.

Inactive 30 May 2012

Thanks my bud. I know bout sensitivities... just pondering.

DzooBaby 29 May 2012

Another reason can be that the amount found in your hair is below the cutoff limit for the test. anything below the cutoff is listed as a negative result even though some medication is found.

Votes: +1
Savagemeskin 12 Oct 2018

My friend gave me like three little crumbs approx 6-8 mg??? If that thinking it would help a headache and I have a damn hair follicle fir a job. I'm tripping. I don't do ANY drugs.

Savagemeskin 12 Oct 2018

What's the cut off limit and how long does it take to get to your hair?

balbanese 29 May 2012

Tests vary in accuracy, the less costly are less accurate, the high end are very accurate. It could be the test used was a lower end version. Hope this helps.

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methylphenidate, drug test

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