My mother is an 85 year old woman, and weighs 90 lbs. She is a non-smoker, non-drinker, and tries to eat healthy foods and exercise regularly. She has suffered with extremely high blood pressure all her adult life. For a few years, she has taken Lisinopril 20 mg. 3/day; Metoprolol ER 100 mg 1/day; Nifedipine 30 mg ER 2/day; and Clonidine .2 mg 1/day and extra as needed. Her blood pressure still was not stabilized. Last year the doctor added 150 mg of Tekturna, and her blood pressure stabilized and has been stable most of the time since. The one exception is when she gets a UTI or head cold, it tends to spike out of control.. In the last year, she has developed severe chills in her legs and back. Chills are so strong that she shakes and has to sit with a heating pad over my legs and lower back. Taking a .5mg alprazolam 1/day helps, but doesn't stop chills. She thinks Tekturna is causing these chills and wants to come off the medication. Has anyone experienced these symptoms?