I had never been on the drug before, my doctor put me on 1500 mg. every a.m.. After being on it apx. 2 weeks I had itchy red blotches on my arms, from wrists to shoulders. Then apx. 1 week later I was watching a movie with friends and was asked if I feel asleep, my friends stated that they had asked me something and I just stared off into space for about 5 min or so,, they joked about it and we laughed it off. But about 2 weeks after that I was driving my car and stopped at a light, next thing I know the car behind me is blowing there horn and the car in front was a half a block ahead of me. As I drove off and approached the car I started to brake and then my airbag went off, I have NO Recollection of the impact... Could the Depakote and or the Dosage I was on have caused me to Black Out??? I am 54 yo been driving since I was 18 and have never had an accident of this type before, and it has me scared to drive now... Pleas note that since the accident I have been taken off the Depakote and have had no other instances as above... Thank You So Much For Your Time.