I'm on my third week of Strattera, I started with 40mg for three days and then went to 80mg daily. For the first week I felt solid throughout the week and was never more attentive and productive at my job. It was like a whole new world for me. At week two I felt a decline start and now at week three I'm basically back to where I was before I started taking it.
I've been told by my doctor that I won't feel the effects for 8 weeks and the fact that I even felt something that first week was not the norm (though not unheard of). Is it possible that the first week was my body's initial reaction to the drug but now I've adjusted to it and will have to work my way "back up" over the next few weeks? I'm curious if that's the case or if this drug just doesn't work for me. I'm also gathering that I may have started on too high a dose too early, is it possible I burnt myself out on this after the first week?