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Carisoprodol - Does soma show on drug screens?

3 Answers

musTBeonesSelF 22 April 2018

Yes, it has shown up~! And no, sometimes it did not. I think it has to be a specific request - my pain management doctor tests for everything across the board whether you are taking street drugs or not, everyone gets the usual ,as it's a p. management out-patient hospital. This is how many are run, and I am now considering leaving for a more compassionate doctor who knows my history. I have chronic spinal degeneration. My condition is inoperable. My Rx for Soma is from him. A neurosurgeon has diagnosed it, and surgeons do not normally prescribe past a week after surgery, so I have to see someone who does like in their pain management hospital/clinic. I notice there is testing for all street drugs, even heroin, and Cocaine, which is obviously a general and totally objective opinion against everyone, which labels all of us as potential addicts and I can't even get out of the door to go home without someone watching as I enter the lab.


(Also LSD, which is funny to me as I have never taken street-drugs , though everyone my age had a year or so w/ experimentation w/ psychedelics for a year in college in early '70's- 4-5 decades ago.) SO I take exactly the Rx from the same doctor who requires the urine tests. Carisporadol does not apparently show up as a "Benzo". Period. Though he would argue that it "acts like one". They don't like it due to current viewpoint in the U. S. and the high incidence of addiction and deaths - though honestly, I truly do not believe it is happening as described by our government. Also I encourage others to ask for what they need; no one should be suffering in this day and time with health care available for pain and most people do not need intensively long pain management, but it's the only way these days. No time in appointments, either for discussions. Soma is a very effective medication for many, and if taken as given it has been and is ideal for an active soul like myself. I am a mother, volunteer, our family lives in a small community in a University and major hospital town, and I am a devoted yogi. Pain Management has been negatively impacted by today's "drug crisis" because doctors cannot prescribe as they would normally as true compassionate doctors ,( often only some are allowed, and they are limited w/ a set number of patients ) , even if they are great doctors. Insurance is sky high. (YES ! I understand and have sadly as most people have, lost someone I loved to addiction, and I know others as well who have, all are in there own kind of pain thus self-medicating w/ alcohol, or drugs & I understand). OK sorry off of my soapbox, so answer is in first sentence, and for me, it is: I must take Rx of 350 mg. of Carisopradol 4 times/day. Every day. Consistently. Only alternative to surgery is about 4 epidurals per year, for conditions like mine when for ex. a ruptured disc pressures the Sciatic Nerve. This is a good medication. I have not known anyone taking it who was at any health risk much less addiction, or could get it without an M. D. and it's not a "high", so I encourage people to ask for it. I only know it does show up sometimes, but sometimes it doesn't. Must be if someone looks for it; if it's a new clinic/lab, don't even list it if you take less than me. Perhaps he does signal the lab to earmark for that Rx, and if it does then explain that you did not tell the lab. I have left off something before that showed up as something else so be aware!

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DzooBaby 19 Feb 2013

They would likely have to order it specifically.

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DzooBaby 19 Feb 2013

If they do order a test to look for it and you are taking it, it will show positive, of course.

kaismama 18 Feb 2013

It is now a controlled med so they will be looking for it. Its not on the standard urine screen I don't think, but I have no doubt it will be.

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soma, carisoprodol, drug screen

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