I have been on Suboxone for 8 months now for an opiate addiction. Around 8 months ago I started having occasional back pain and told my doctor about it. I asked if it was from the Suboxone and he told me it wasn't (although it is a side effect). 4 months ago I started having constant and severe back pain. They told me I was having muscle spasms and prescribed me muscle relaxers and told me to start physical therapy. A few weeks after my back pain started, I started having widespread pain into my legs, neck, shoulders, head, etc. I did physical therapy and chiropractic for two months with no impact on my back pain. They then did an MRI on my back and the results came back normal. They have also tested me for hep C, thyroid problems, a vitamin D deficiency and whatever else they can test for in the urine and blood and all the results were normal. I have seen several doctors and a couple have told me my symptoms are in agreement with the diagnosis of fibromyalgia. I also had a spine specialist tell me to get off the Suboxone because that could be causing the pain. I have greatly decreased my dose from 32mg on my worst days to 8 mg and am not feeling better yet, although I'm sure I am feeling a little withdrawal too. To me, it seems that if Suboxone were causing this pain, then the pain would have started when I started the Suboxone instead of 5 months into my treatment. So I ask you, could Suboxone be causing my pain? HELP PLEASE- I have lost my job and all semblance of a normal life because of the pain and I am only 24 yrs old...