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Has anyone found that Lexapro helps with their anxiety but makes their depression worse?


LouAnnP 10 Oct 2022

I found that lexapro helps my anxiety but wasn’t highly helpful for depression. It’s somehow made differently that the other SSRIs. It did work for depression. It just wasn’t as good as the other AD for me. But give it three months for complete effectiveness. But if it’s worse—-idk. May talk to your doc about it. I think it can continue to effective after that too.
To increase the effectiveness of an anti depressant, take methylpro. It really helps. I also take a green drink daily. It really helps. Fill a nutribullit 3/4 full with spinach. Then add berries. Then fill with water. Blend and drink. It really helps mood. Greens have b vitamins , which are good for nerve support. Also take a multivitamin daily and/or Ensure for nutrients. And eat fruits, veggies, and nuts. Best wishes.

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lexapro, depression, anxiety

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