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Did anyone experience nausea when starting Pristiq? If so, how long for the side effects to go away?


Pike Dude 28 Sep 2021

No, I did not experience nausea but I believe it is a listed possible side effect,

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WildcatVet 29 Sep 2021

It is:
Very Common (10% or more of users): Nausea (up to 36%), dry mouth (up to 25%)"

WildcatVet 25 Sep 2021

Hi, Seyster!
Nausea is a very common side effect when first starting an antidepressant/anxiolytic. It usually lasts just days to a week or two and generally lessens as the days go by.
You can ask your pharmacist for advice on an OTC remedy that's safe to take with your medication. Try eating small bland meals/snacks such as yogurt, milk, soda crackers. Also try peppermint or ginger tea or ale. Avoid spicy or greasy foods.
Best regards and I hope you're feeling better quickly.

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pristiq, nausea/vomiting, side effect

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