I just had my first Enbrel SureClick auto injection on April 30th (for seronegative Rheumatoid Arthritis) and then on May 7th I had a medial cervical branch block. My rheumatologist is concerned about me getting these steroid injections at the same time as being on Enbrel so she wants me to have my 2nd injection on the 11th and the 3rd on the 18th as I am also having lumbar facet blocks on 05/15 and 05/22. Pain Mgmt doc never called me back today but he did not seem too concerned on the 7th when I told him I had just started Enbrel. I and Pain Mgmt doc were more concerned about the sharp, throbbing, shooting pains in both legs the day after the injection as well as swelling of feet, ankles and calves both legs. Finally today, the 9th all the pain is gone in both legs. I spoke with the nurse from the Enbrel helpline and she was totally absolutely useless. She read from a script and would not deviate from it. I also take 9mg per day of Prednisone. Any info or suggestions would help.