I'm glad i found this group. I have had my pump since 9/2013. I was 3 days away fm refill and the alarm started sounding every 30 minutes. I went to my ARNP after txting her. Make a long story short the pump read empty. My biggest concern was seizures. My drug had not arrived fm my insurance pharmacy after us fighting for 21 days. It was approved they just didn't send it. I was prescribed oral baclofen and a small amt of Valium around the clock until my med was delivered. 21 hrs later I could not wake up. I had confusion, my brain felt like it was burning and I had a very hard time walking and talking. I was admitted. When my dr came in to fill the pump it read as not being empty or even low! He aspirated and showed me how much he got back. The combination of the added baclofen and esp IV Valium in the er almost killed me. Now I do NOT trust this pump. Has this happened to anyone else? Thank you for your assistance.