I was prescribed Adderall after my recent diagnosis of adult ADD. I feel that this was something I have struggled as a child, but recently it has made daily life difficult, so I went to my doctor. She said I have ADD for sure, no question about it. I am on day two now of amphetamine 10 mg and the only thing I have noticed is that I am more relaxed. I still feel that I can't concentrate on things and I have been very tired both days (possibly from not enough sleep, but I'm always tired). The only side effect I have is a headache, which I read is normal and will pass. What am I suppose to feel to know it's working for me or is it too soon to judge? My doctor explained to me that if I feel worse, become moody, and anxious to call right away and stop the medicine because I may have underlying anxiety. So far I have not felt like that, same as I did before. I am 4'11 and 130lbs and typically low dose of medication works just well. I don't want to call my doctor too soon because I'm not giving it the chance. If anyone has anything else that I should know about Adderall and ADD, I'd appreciate that