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Marek's Disease Vaccine (Chicken and Turkey)

This page contains information on Marek's Disease Vaccine (Chicken and Turkey) for veterinary use.
The information provided typically includes the following:
  • Marek's Disease Vaccine (Chicken and Turkey) Indications
  • Warnings and cautions for Marek's Disease Vaccine (Chicken and Turkey)
  • Direction and dosage information for Marek's Disease Vaccine (Chicken and Turkey)

Marek's Disease Vaccine (chicken And Turkey)

This treatment applies to the following species:
Manufacturer: Merial Select

Marek's Disease Vaccine, Live Chicken and Turkey Herpesvirus

U.s. Vet. Lic. No.


Active Ingredient(s)

The vaccine contains the FC-126 strain of turkey herpesvirus and the SB-I strain of chicken herpesvirus.

Penicillin and streptomycin sulfate are added as bacteriostatic agents.

Contains fungizone as a fungistatic agent.

Notice: The vaccine has met the requirements of the USDA in regards to safety, purity, potency and the capability to immunize normally susceptible chickens. The vaccine has been tested by the master seed immunogenicity test for efficacy.

Marek's Disease Vaccine (Chicken and Turkey) Indications

The vaccine is recommended for use in healthy one day old chickens as an aid in the prevention of Marek's disease.

Chickens to be vaccinated must be healthy and free of all diseases. It is essential that the chickens be maintained under good environmental conditions, and that exposure to disease viruses be reduced as much as possible in the field.

Marek's Disease Vaccine (Chicken and Turkey) Dosage And Administration

Frozen Vaccine:

Preparation of the Vaccine for Use: Important: Sterilize the vaccinating equipment by autoclaving for a minimum of 15 minutes at 250°F (121°C) or by boiling in water for at least 20 minutes. Never allow chemical disinfectants to come into contact with the vaccinating equipment.

1. Use 200 mL of sterile diluent for each 1,000 doses of vaccine indicated on the ampule.

2. Remove only one (1) ampule of vaccine at a time from the liquid nitrogen container. Thaw and use immediately. Do not hold the ampule toward the face when removing it from a liquid nitrogen container. Never refreeze a vaccine ampule after thawing.

3. The contents of the ampule are thawed rapidly by immersing in water at room temperature (15-25°C). Gently swirl the ampule to disperse the contents. Break the ampule at its neck and quickly proceed as described below.

4. Remove the cover from the diluent container. Draw the contents of the ampule into a sterile 10 mL syringe fitted with an 18 to 20 gauge needle. Slowly add the contents of the vaccine ampule to the appropriate volume of diluent. Withdraw a small amount of the diluent, rinse the ampule once and add this to the vaccine-diluent mixture. Mix the contents of the diluent container thoroughly by swirling and inverting the container. Do not shake vigorously.

5. Use the vaccine-diluent mixture immediately as described below.

Method of Vaccination:

1. Give subcutaneously only.

2. Use a sterile automatic syringe with a 20-22 gauge, 3/8"-1/2" needle which is set to accurately deliver 0.2 mL per dose. Check the accuracy of delivery several times during the vaccination procedure.

3. Dilute the vaccine only as directed, observing all precautions and warnings for handling.

4. Keep the bottle of diluted vaccine in an ice bath and agitate continuously.

5. Inject chickens under the loose skin at the back of the neck (subcutaneously), holding the chickens by the back of the neck just below the head. The loose skin in this area is raised by gently pinching with the thumb and forefinger. Insert the needle beneath the skin in a direction away from the head. Inject 0.2 mL per chicken. Avoid hitting the muscles and bones in the neck.

6. Use the entire contents of the vaccine container within one (1) hour after mixing the vaccine with the diluent.


Ampules: Store in a liquid nitrogen container.

Liquid nitrogen container: Carefully observe all liquid nitrogen precautions, including wearing eye protection and gloves. Store in a cool, well-ventilated area. Check the liquid nitrogen level once a day. Keep the container away from incubator intakes and chicken boxes.

Liquid Nitrogen Precautions: The liquid nitrogen containers and vaccines should be handled by properly trained personnel only. These persons should be familiar with the Union Carbide publication “Precautions and Safe Practices - Liquid Atmospheric Gases”, form #9888. Liquid nitrogen is extremely cold. Accidental contact with the skin or eyes can cause serious frostbite. Protect the eyes with goggles or a face shield. Wear gloves and long sleeves when removing and handling frozen ampules or when adding liquid nitrogen to the container. Storage and handling of liquid nitrogen containers should be in a well-ventilated area. Excessive amounts of nitrogen reduces the concentration of oxygen in the air of an unventilated space and can cause asphyxiation. If drowsiness occurs, get fresh air quickly and ventilate the entire area. If a person becomes groggy or loses consciousness while working with liquid nitrogen, get the person to a well-ventilated area immediately. If breathing has stopped, begin artificial respiration. Call a physician immediately.

Marek's Disease Vaccine (Chicken and Turkey) Caution(s)

Do not vaccinate diseased birds.

Vaccinate all of the birds on the premises at one time.

Administer a minimum of one dose for each bird.

Avoid stress conditions during and following vaccination.

Do not place chickens in contaminated facilities.

Exposure to disease must be minimized as much as possible.

For veterinary use only.

Administer only as recommended.

Use entire contents when first opened.

Burn the container and all unused contents.

The capability of the vaccine to produce satisfactory results depends upon many factors, including, but not limited to, conditions of storage and handling by the user, administration of the vaccine, health and the responsiveness of individual animals and the degree of field exposure. Directions for use should be followed carefully.

The use of the vaccine is subject to applicable local and federal laws and regulations.


Do not vaccinate within 21 days before slaughter.


5 x 1,000 dose and 5 x 2,000 dose ampules of virus, with 200 mL of diluent for each ampule.

Nac No.

Telephone:   770-536-8787
Order Desk:   770-536-8787
Fax:   770-534-8558
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the Marek's Disease Vaccine (Chicken and Turkey) information published above. However, it remains the responsibility of the readers to familiarize themselves with the product information contained on the US product label or package insert.


Copyright © 2024 Animalytix LLC. Updated: 2024-08-26