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Poractant Alfa (Monograph)

Brand name: Curosurf
Drug class: Pulmonary Surfactants
VA class: RE900
CAS number: 129069-19-8

Medically reviewed by on Aug 22, 2024. Written by ASHP.


Exogenous natural pulmonary surfactant preparation; porcine lung extract containing mostly phospholipids.

Uses for Poractant Alfa

Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)

Treatment (rescue) of RDS (hyaline membrane disease) in premature neonates (designated an orphan drug by FDA for this use).

Prevention [off-label] of RDS in infants at high risk for RDS.

Poractant Alfa Dosage and Administration



Intratracheal Administration

Administer only by intratracheal instillation using specialized techniques. Consult manufacturer’s labeling or specialized references for guidelines on administration techniques.

Allow drug to reach room temperature before administration. Gently invert vial to obtain a uniform suspension; do not shake.

Contains no preservatives; discard unused portion.


Available as poractant alfa; dosage expressed in terms of phospholipids.

Each mL of the commercially available formulation contains 80 mg of phospholipids (including 54 mg of phosphatidylcholine, of which 30.5 mg is dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine) and 1 mg of surfactant proteins (SP-B, SP-C).

Pediatric Patients

Treatment of RDS

Premature neonates: 2.5 mL/kg (200 mg/kg) of birthweight.

Administer up to 2 repeat doses (1.25 mL/kg of birth weight), given at 12-hour intervals, if neonate remains intubated and respiratory manifestations of RDS persist or worsen.

Prevention of RDS† [off-label]

100 or 200 mg/kg, given as a single dose within 10 minutes of birth.

Prescribing Limits

Pediatric Patients

Treatment of RDS

Premature neonates: Total dosage (initial and repeat doses) should not exceed 5 mL/kg. Safety and efficacy not established for administration of >3 doses (1 initial and 2 repeat doses), administration more frequently than every 12 hours, and initiation of therapy >15 hours after diagnosis of RDS.

Cautions for Poractant Alfa




Experience of Supervising Clinician

Use only by clinicians experienced in resuscitation, stabilization, and general care of premature neonates.

Respiratory Effects

Therapy can rapidly affect oxygenation and lung compliance. Perform frequent clinical and laboratory assessments; modify oxygen and ventilatory support in response to respiratory changes.

Transient episodes of decreased oxygen saturation reported. If this occurs, discontinue administration and initiate appropriate measures to alleviate the condition; following stabilization, resume therapy and monitor appropriately.

Cardiovascular Effects

Transient episodes of bradycardia and hypotension reported. If these occur, discontinue administration and initiate appropriate measures to alleviate the condition; following stabilization, resume therapy and monitor appropriately.

Endotracheal Tube Complications

Transient endotracheal tube blockage, reflux of surfactant into endotracheal tube, and airway obstruction reported. If these occur, discontinue administration and initiate appropriate measures to alleviate the condition; following stabilization, resume therapy and monitor appropriately.

General Precautions

Concurrent Illness

Correction of acidosis, hypotension, anemia, hypoglycemia, and hypothermia recommended prior to administration.

Complications of Prematurity

Therapy expected to reduce severity of RDS but will not eliminate morbidity and mortality associated with other complications of prematurity (e.g., pneumonia, septicemia, intracranial hemorrhage, patent ductus arteriosus).

Use with Investigational Treatments for RDS

Safety and efficacy in conjunction with investigational therapies for RDS (e.g., high-frequency ventilation) not established.

Specific Populations


Not intended for use in adults.


Not intended for use in adults.

Common Adverse Effects

Transient bradycardia, hypotension, endotracheal tube blockage, decreased oxygen saturation.

Drug Interactions

No drug interactions reported.

Poractant Alfa Pharmacokinetics

No pharmacokinetic studies in humans.



Marked improvements in oxygenation occur within minutes of administration.





2–8° C. Protect from light.

Prior to use, warm to room temperature for up to 24 hours.

May return unopened, unused vials to refrigerator within 24 hours of warming. Do not warm and return to refrigeration more than once.



Excipients in commercially available drug preparations may have clinically important effects in some individuals; consult specific product labeling for details.

Please refer to the ASHP Drug Shortages Resource Center for information on shortages of one or more of these preparations.

Poractant Alfa


Dosage Forms


Brand Names




1.5 mL (120 mg phospholipids)



3 mL (240 mg phospholipids)



AHFS DI Essentials™. © Copyright 2024, Selected Revisions September 1, 2005. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc., 4500 East-West Highway, Suite 900, Bethesda, Maryland 20814.

† Off-label: Use is not currently included in the labeling approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.

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