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Ursodiol User Reviews & Ratings

Brand names: Actigall, Urso, Reltone, Urso Forte

Ursodiol has an average rating of 8.3 out of 10 from a total of 30 reviews on 75% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 11% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Ursodiol

  • Mija
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • July 13, 2023

For Gallbladder Disease "Two years ago, I had severe pain on the right side of my navel, which made me take blood tests that showed an inflammatory condition in my gallbladder. I also had an echoscan done, which revealed 3 gallstones (each approximately 7 mm). I then saw a doctor (surgeon) who told me I needed surgery and that it was the only option! I had previously explored alternative treatment methods for gallstones and read about ursodiol, which I mentioned to him. However, it was immediately rejected and he instead mentioned all kinds of horror scenarios of what could happen if I didn't choose surgery. Despite that, I still chose to give ursodiol a chance since I was not happy with the idea of having an organ removed if it could be avoided! I had echoscans done during the treatment, and after 1 1/2 years of treatment with ursodiol, the stones were gone!!! I can highly recommend it, but slow weight loss and diet changes are also a must since there is a reason why the stones get there to begin with!"

10 / 10
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19 Report
  • Bev
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 11, 2019

For Primary Biliary Cholangitis "Have only been on ursodiol for about two months, so I am still in the early stages of any side effects. I have noticed what appears to be some hair loss, dry skin, and maybe some swelling around the lower part of the ankle on my right foot. I was originally put on 300 mg tablets. Humana would not pay for it. I did some research and found they would pay for the 250 mg or 500 mg. No one seems to know why they will not pay for the 300 mg. I talked to my doctor, and she put me on three 250 mg tablets a day. My insurance is covering that, minus my copay. Waiting to have additional blood work to see if the drug is working on my elevated lab levels. For those like me prescribed ursodiol, make sure you check closely with your insurance on dosage coverage they will pay. I only found out about the dosage difference in payments by doing some research. I pray this is my wonder drug."

8 / 10
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53 Report
  • Lucy
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • August 29, 2019

For Primary Biliary Cholangitis "I was diagnosed with stage 2 PBC (primary biliary cholangitis) eighteen years ago. I promptly went on Actigall and was switched to Ursodiol about a year later. My recent tests show me to still be in stage 2. This drug seems to have stopped the progress of the disease with very few side effects. I take two pills per day. If I forget to take my morning dose, I am dead tired by midday-a great reminder to take it on time."

10 / 10
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45 Report
  • Shorty
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • June 10, 2020

For Primary Biliary Cholangitis "Had routine bloodwork and found that liver enzymes were elevated. Did all kinds of tests, even a liver biopsy, and couldn't find anything. Specialist wanted to try ursodiol 500 mg two times a day. Within months, numbers came back to normal. He wanted to cut back to 500 mg once a day, and I did, but enzymes started rising again. I've taken meds now for 14 years. No side effects that I've noticed. Only thing I can figure is I must need it. Can be pricey, but have to have it. Lifesaver for me."

10 / 10
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36 Report
  • JLS
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 19, 2019

For Primary Biliary Cholangitis "I was diagnosed with PBC (Primary Biliary Cholangitis) in November 2019. My ALP was up to 390, and ALT and AST were elevated as well. After three months on Urso (300 mg - three tablets a day), my liver enzymes have improved significantly. My ALP is now down to 209, and my ALT and AST are in normal levels. Urso is a lifesaver!"

10 / 10
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39 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Honey...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 16, 2017

For Gallbladder Disease "For 30 days, I have been using ursodiol. I have gallstones that have caused my gallbladder to become inflamed with chronic pain. I decided to use this drug because I don't want to have my gallbladder taken out. I've changed my diet because only a few things to eat agree with me now. My doctor suggested that I have the gallbladder removed because of the amount of weight loss. Honestly, I feel some relief since I've been taking the medication. My dosage is 250 mg pill three times per day with meals, but I was only taking 2 because I couldn't eat a lot. Since I've been having some relief, I've noticed I can eat a little more, but still no fatty, sugary, bad stuff. I'm going to continue my prescription and see if I get more relief."

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46 Report
  • Big...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • March 1, 2021

For Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis "I was diagnosed with fatty liver almost 15 years ago. The doctor first put me on Actigall, then after 5 or 6 years he put me on Ursodiol. He has since retired and my new doctors say taking this medicine is useless and not benefiting me at all and will not prescribe it for me. I don't understand why they basically cut me off, and have not recommended a replacement medicine. Any advice would be greatly appreciated."

5 / 10
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23 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 29, 2008

Urso (ursodiol) for Primary Biliary Cholangitis "I was diagnosed with PBC-Stage 2 in February 2008 and started taking URSO. I was sent to Baylor a few weeks later, and their tests indicated I had a negative AMA! They asked me to stop taking URSO to see if weight loss alone would improve the condition. I was off URSO for 4 months and lost 25 lbs. My AMA count is higher now than ever, so I am going back on URSO this morning. It is very obvious to me that URSO put my antibodies to sleep while I was on the drug. That is why my doctor put me back on it today."

10 / 10
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67 Report
  • kitch...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • August 11, 2015

For Gallbladder Disease "I have taken Ursodiol since 2006. I had my gallbladder removed in 1988, but for some reason, I started developing gallstones in my bile ducts. I had three surgeries to remove gallstones before I started taking Ursodiol. I have had no surgeries since 2006. My problem is the drug, which is a generic, has skyrocketed in price. I used to pay $10.00, I now have to pay $180.00 for a 1-month supply. I quit taking the drug, I can't afford it. Does anyone know of any discounts that are available for this drug? I have insurance, the pharmacist said the reason the drug has gotten so high in price is because of Obamacare."

10 / 10
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40 Report
  • PBC
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • October 31, 2018

For Primary Biliary Cholangitis "I have been taking this medication for 3 years now. When we figured out what was wrong, I was already at a stage 2 liver disease (only 4 stages before transplant needed). My liver enzymes have been perfect. What a great medication for the primary biliary cirrhosis. I have a few more years. I have no insurance right now and cannot afford the medication, so 2 months without it. Cost without insurance is $400 for 1 month."

10 / 10
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28 Report
  • jelam
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • February 12, 2016

For Primary Biliary Cholangitis "I am researching the reason for the steep increase in Ursodiol. I have Medicare Part D prescription coverage. Last year, a 90-day supply of Ursodiol (300 mg x 4/day) cost $218.xx for 3 months. That was with Health Spring insurance. This year, I have Silverscript (CVS); they have increased the price to $839.xx for the same quantity, which is $280/mo. That is a 300% increase. Apparently, suppliers - Blue Cross and CVS - have increased the price just because they can. It is indicated on my receipt that the retail cost of the drug is $2,135, so Silverscript says it is saving me $432/month. Silverscript moved the drug from Tier 4 last year to Tier 5 this year. Can anyone give me an honest answer why? BC did the same thing."

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35 Report
  • berdie
  • March 5, 2009

Urso Forte (ursodiol) for Primary Biliary Cholangitis "I find Urso has helped me a lot. I do have loose bowels with it sometimes. I also found out if I skip a dose and take two Urso's at once, that's when I have bowel movement problems. I quit doing that. I do know it's prolonging my life, for this, I am thankful."

10 / 10
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53 Report
  • Nina
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 27, 2018

For Gallbladder Disease "My daughter is 10 yrs old and currently taking ursodiol. She had gallstones and gastro doc said to take it twice a day. However, didn't specify why. I was given a referral to see another gastro surgeon and didn't explain why! My baby continues to complain of sharp mild like pain in her lower, upper, right and back pain. Help me please! I need answers!!"

3 / 10
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23 Report
  • Anonymous
  • January 31, 2012

For Gallbladder Disease "When I started the medication I had some loose stool, then 11 days after taking it I started to have horrible pain in my hands. Then my biceps and wrists were hurting so bad. I stopped taking the medicine today so I will let you know what happens."

2 / 10
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33 Report
  • kalaw...
  • February 22, 2009

For Gallbladder Disease "Ursodiol has been keeping my gallbladder in check (exception 01/01/2008). My prescription had run out 4 days prior, but I still indulged in greasy pork chops. 3 hours later, I was in the ER and nearly died. I had no pulse or blood pressure. It was touch-and-go for a while. Worst New Year's Day ever. Never to forget refills again."

7 / 10
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33 Report
  • Evelina
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • July 4, 2022

For Gallbladder Disease "I’ve been taking Ursodiol twice a day for a year now. In the beginning it made me dizzy, however, that symptom won’t occur, if you take food with it. Never take it on an empty stomach. It’s greatly improved the discomfort of the multiple small gallstones I have."

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7 Report
  • Dopey
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • October 18, 2022

Actigall (ursodiol) for Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis "I'm almost certain that if not for this drug Actigall. I probably wouldn't be alive. By me taking it so young. I started taking it when I was a new Pre-teen through my early teens. If not for this Actigall. At 38yrs old. I'm the longest living patient diagnosed with biliaryatresia. That is still pre-op for a liver transplant. It works. You just have start them as young as possible. To counteract future damage."

9 / 10
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6 Report
  • Terri
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 29, 2023

For Primary Biliary Cholangitis "Ursodiol has proven to be a great medication for my PBC. Luckily I have Kaiser insurance and only pay under $20 for a three-month supply. The only setback with Ursodiol is the small weight gain and very little itching, but I am thankful that my liver enzymes are normal again."

10 / 10
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4 Report
  • 20-yr...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • January 29, 2022

For Primary Biliary Cholangitis "Wonder drug! When I was diagnosed with Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC) at stage 2, it was thought that most like me would need a liver transplant within 20 years. Now, 20 years later, I am still at stage 2 due to this drug. If I miss one of my two 500 mg pills per day, I am so exhausted I have to go to bed. I have had no side effects; my only complaint is the cost. Over the years, the price of this easy-to-produce generic has skyrocketed into the hundreds per month simply because the drug makers can do it."

10 / 10
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6 Report
  • Mike
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 11, 2021

For Gallbladder Disease "I have very small Gallstones and I've taken ursodiol for 2 weeks, the first 2 days I had no problems but each day since I've had headaches, stomach pain, back pain and very nasty diarrhea each day. I was seeing my Dr for constipation and while having an ultrasound a few small floating gallstones were found. I wouldn't advise anyone to take this med. It caused more problems than occasional constipation. I ended the use of it today and hope it gets better."

1 / 10
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5 Report
  • Yello...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 28, 2023

"Just two weeks ago, my urine was brown, my skin was itching crazily and after I caught my yellow gaze in the mirror, I hurried to the ER. I was admitted and after 5 days of testing, I was transported to another hospital that is known for successful liver transplants and that idea scares me. Now on day 12, I had my first liver biopsy and I am praying that the samples will yield some answers. Feels good to be home but I know I'm not out of the woods. After 4 days of 1000mg, my ALT and AST numbers have gone down (my liver is no longer as inflamed) but that bilirubin keeps climbing! I await good news from the doctors but I will keep bringing them the information that I am finding because I may be taking these pills for the rest of my life."

5 / 10
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1 Report
  • livlog
  • June 25, 2008

Urso (ursodiol) for Primary Biliary Cholangitis "I've been taking four Ursodiol tablets a day for many years. My liver enzymes have stayed normal. Biopsy showed Stage 1."

10 / 10
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96 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 10, 2009

Urso (ursodiol) for Primary Biliary Cholangitis "I've been taking Urso for 6 years. My blood levels are now in check. Original biopsy showed stage 4-5 liver damage. Found when I had gallbladder removal surgery."

10 / 10
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57 Report
  • kooper
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • May 30, 2020

For Primary Biliary Cholangitis "I find this drug very expensive. Are there any options? I started taking ursodiol 34 years ago."

10 / 10
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14 Report
  • Wee...
  • September 10, 2017

For Primary Biliary Cholangitis "The meds have help me feel better and clear my skin discoloration and itching."

8 / 10
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20 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.