I am currently taking 40 mg of Lisinopril and 10 mg of Bisoprolol. I have extreme anxiety that tends to blow my blood pressure through the roof. My Doctor has put me on Xanax 1 pill 3 times a day. I do not like taking pills at all (I even hate taking Tylenol for a headache). However I understand that I need to take my blood pressure pills. I advised my doctor that I don't like to take pills and I was only taking the Xanax when I felt I needed it and when my anxiety was too much. He just recently checked my blood pressure and it is going back up. (Yes we have done all kinds of tests and all of my other levels are good.) My blood pressure is anxiety driven. He has asked that I take at least 1 a day faithfully and the others as needed during the day. which I have been doing. My question is... Would taking my Xanax assist the other BP meds I am on to lower my BP? (I think in my head I need to justify taking this pill as a benefit to my blood pressure)

Thanks in advance for any information.