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What can I take for burning urination?


smileyhappy 28 Feb 2011

You should get your urine checked out. Until then drink alot of fluids. Not cafeine, water, a good one is cranberry juice. Don't let this go. You probably need cipro or something similar. But start drinking because that will help flush it out. Good luck!

Votes: +1
DzooBaby 28 Feb 2011

You need to see your healthcare provider for a urine analysis to see if you have a urinary tract infection.

Votes: +2
DzooBaby 28 Feb 2011

If you are unable to see a healthcare provider right away you can take an OTC medication called AZO Standard. It will help relieve the burning from a UTI but it turns the urine a bright orange and stains anything it comes in contact with-you will want to wear a thin pad if you are female to protect your underpants. It can cause staining in your toilet and on the toilet seat if urine comes in contact with the seat. It is very difficult to impossible to get the stains out once they occur. You are best off going to your healthcare provider to see if you need antibiotics for a UTI

Inactive 28 Feb 2011

Hi Southernhottie,
DzooBaby took the words outta my mouth, Azo Standard, and as she warned, your lingerie will be horribly stained, so wear your fugly undies while using Azo. It is natural, and can be purchased at any pharmacy or supermarket.
And do get to your doc, sound like a UTI to me!
Best wishes,
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