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Wegener's Granulomatosis - what is the life span for a person with wegener's?


Jaybeewall 21 Nov 2021

I'm 54 and have had GPA for 29 years (since I was 25). Yes I've had a few relapses. I have plenty of years left in me, so don't let anything make you think there's some magical limit on lifespan.

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itsmetoo2 10 Dec 2009

This is what I found in a little research:

"Remission is usually possible, although relapses are common."

"Prognosis depends on the extent of the disorder—whether it is limited to nasal and pulmonary lesions, with little or no systemic involvement, or it affects many organs, causing severe systemic vasculitis.

Use of immunosuppressants for severe disease has dramatically improved prognosis. With treatment, complete remission is possible for about 70% of patients, but about ½ of them eventually relapse; relapse may occur when treatment is stopped or many years after it is stopped. Resuming or increasing treatment can usually control the disorder. However, the disease or treatment causes significant morbidity in 90% of patients."

Bottom line there is no knowing the life span of a person with this problem. Each case is totally different.

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chrisie 5 Jan 2010

i found the answer and some people have the life spand on 5 to 20 yr with flare ups in between! thanks for your answer

lolita37 16 Feb 2012

I need as much info on wegener's granulomatosis. My boy friend 36 & he has this.his lung already he has blood in his urine and infection in bladder..i need to know if this is far enuff to kill him? Please.. despret girlfrind. free discount card

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