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Do I need to wear a medical alert bracelet while taking eliquis?

3 Answers

DemoninDC 18 May 2016

Are you on this medication for the rest of your life, next year, or next 20-30 days? Is this the only medication that you are on or are there others? The ideal answer is always, yes. However, if you are only going to take it for the next month it may not be worth your time to get a permanent bracelet. What I would recommend is that if you are taking other Meds then you get a medical bracelet that is a USB drive that you can continuously update, like EPIC-id. There are several other makers so choose one that you like, just make sure that it works on PC's as well as MAC's. I have not seen a lot of people use MAC's but it is best to be as ubiquois as possible.

Any thing that is long-term or permanent should alway have an alert bracelet, especially anti-coagulants. It is even more critical with Pradaxa, Eliquis, & Xarelto.

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jhonsan 17 May 2016

Anticoagulant medicines are a group of medicines that inhibit blood
clotting, helping to prevent blood clots. Blood clots can cause
heart attacks and strokes. Common anticoagulant medicines
 Coumadin®, Jantoven® (warfarin)
 Lovenox® (enoxaparin)
 Hep-Lock U/P®, Hep-Lock®, HepFlush-10® (heparin)
 Pradaxa (dabigatran)
Eliquis (apixaban)
 Xarelto (rivaroxaban)

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Rita Bowers 8 April 2016

I don't have an answer but would like to know also

Votes: +0
Laura2852 13 May 2016

My Doctor told me to get a medical alert bracelet. I did. Blood thinners are very important to let health community know you are on them. If you are in an accident a start to bleed, you will be more because of the blood thinner. have them for $12. free discount card

Related topics

alert, deep vein thrombosis (dvt), medical, eliquis

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