Hi I'm new to the site and really need some answer. Recently my fiance and I decided to TTC (trying to conceive) so I got my BC (Birth Control-Implanon) removed Oct. 14, 2014 I've had it in since May 2012. I was still on my menstural cycle when I got it removed which started Oct. 3, 2014 and ended Oct. 17, 2014. Since being on the Implanon my cycles have been longer. So im not sure how to keep up with my ovulation. My fiance and I have had; sorry! intercourse since removal of BC and since menstural cycle ended. I've been moody, stressed, extremely anxious and I've been very tired these pass couple of days. I started to lightly spot yesterday very lightly, but nothing today. What could this mean? Am I already pregnant or could it be spotting because of removal of the BC (birth control). Like i said i was still on my period when I got it removed. I know alot of people say be careful because you could possibly MC (miscarried) if you get prego before your first period! But i was told by my OBGYN that we could start TTC (trying to conceive) immediately! So im a lil nervous and scared all in one! PLZ HELP!! Baby Fever is taking over, lol! Thanks to whom ever replies. Hoping for Baby #4