I started taking clonazepam when I had a depression April 2017. I have OCD. I was taking 0.5mg in the morning and 0.5 mg in the evening .
I slowly tapered it. By March 2018 I was on 0.25 mg daily . I stopped taking but after two week I feel high anxiety. Since I was traveling I continued to take 0.25 mg daily again. I became OK again

Two months back I decided to taper it to half i.e. 0.125 mg. But after 2 weeks I returned back to 0.25mg.
After a week I reduced it to 3/4th of 0.125mg And I was OK. After a month I reduced again to 0.125mg.

Now I am on week 3 . Suddenly I am getting anxiety spikes. The day before I took some wine (small quantity). I am taking wine after 5 or 6 months.

Can 0.125 mg lead to withdrawal? Or is this general anxiety popping up. But I don't see a change in my environment to be anxious.

Now I am really like a depression state with flu like body with no energy.

Kindly advise
