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Hi. Taking sertraline 100mg and after 8 weeks still feel weird. Is this normal?

3 Answers

Jonut 4 Feb 2022

Hi Lou
How are you feeling now?

Votes: +0
jakyoga65 20 Dec 2021

Hi Lou. Interestingly I had a similar thing happen. I felt better but the 100mg dose ended up being too high. I went down to 75mg and that worked out much better. As always speak with your doctor. It's a challenge to find the best dosage for the medication. Good luck. J

Votes: +1
WildcatVet 20 Dec 2021

If you're still having side effects after 8 weeks it's probably not normal. They usually resolve after just a few weeks so you shouldn't be feeling "weird" from the drug anymore.
Have you talked to your doctor about this? If not, you should get their professional advice. If you've talked to them what did they say?
Regards and Happy Holidays,

Votes: +0
Lou64v 20 Dec 2021

Well, the side effects wore really bad in the first few weeks. Then got better round week four, but my mood got worse round week six. Physical symptoms are a lot better. Spoke to my gp s few weeks ago and back then I decided to give it a bit more time to settle. free discount card

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