... got drunk two and half years ago and ate a pretty uncocked pkrk chop I had cats tgat were outside cats first and I tryed to naje them be in sjde cats well any ways they dud blood work and a urine test no sign gave me one pill of of ablersole two hu milrgrams and I felt weird in my back and then things crawling up and down it a.d tgen the top of my neck and felt really light heafed then very dizzy I feel it with my hand crawling up and down my spine im not crazy I had my mom feel it to and she got squeezmis from it cause it felt really odd it feels like there is two big ones in my spine I nvr had sezeiors b4 I ate that pork and I have them offten now I have gead aches bad and I feel soo much pressure in my head and my back I dont have a g.p and I am really scared cause I have seen the oblong rice looking things in my poop for over two years im pretty scared cause I feel horrible im feeling really stiff in all my joints since I tock that pill what should I doo??? I dont k