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Suprep Bowel Prep Kit - Can you use ginger ale instead of water to the Suprep?


tirtzah 18 Aug 2015

Hi Lori: You are having a colonoscopy and the Dr. needs to make sure that there is no fecal matter that has caked onto the walls of your colon, so that he can clearly see the pink tissue wall. If you happen to be one who never gets constipated and have regular bowel movements twice daily at least or as many times as you ate meals the previous day, or if you have continual diarrhea, then you don't even need to take that "Bowel Prep". All you need to do is to take some Exlax the previous day prior to your colonoscopy. However, if you are not regular and only go 3 to 4 times per week, then you do need to take the "Bowel Prep". As far as if you can take it with ginger ale, my "Guess" would be NO because the carbonation of the drink could nullify its activation once you ingest it by activating it as soon as you pour in the ginger ale. I think that this Prep does do a similar "fizzing" action after you ingest it and it reaches your colon area. However, like I said, that part is just a "Guess". To be sure, call your Pharmacy and ask to speak to the Pharmacist and ask them. They know how the medication works and what releases its action of working. As far as the Exlax part, I have to have a colonoscopy every year because they keep finding polyps which are benign at that stage and they need to remove them before they grow and do become cancerous. I have had 4 colonoscopies now over the last 4 years just taking the Exlax. However, I am very regular and because I take Paxil, an SSRI, I have periodic bouts of diarrhea, so my colon and intestine walls are pink without any fecal matter attached to the walls. Hope this helps?

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Lori-P 18 Aug 2015

Thank you... I did think of calling the pharamist but then I read somewhere that someone else used ginger ale... so I went ahead and used it instead of water. It helped to make it more tolerable and seemed to work. The fluid that is coming out is cloudy. I just took the second dose and will see if it is now less cloudy. I am "regular" but I produce "flat" polyps rather than "raised"... so I really want to be clean. In fact, today I am going again after 6 mos. because the Dr wants to scrape down a polyp from Jan. This is worrisome, I hope that she doesn't make a tear in my colon. I will ask about the ginger ale and will let you know. Lori

Lori-P 21 Aug 2015

Hi Tirtzah... I am following up regarding the Ginger Ale... I asked the Dr. and she said it was fine to mix the Suprep with Ginger Ale. The Ginger Ale did make it tolerable... but next time I will let the Ginger Ale go flat before using... because when you burp... you get that awful taste back in your mouth!!! free discount card

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ginger, suprep bowel prep kit

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