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Yasmin Questions

Displaying 16 questions associated with Yasmin.

This is My First Time Taking Yasmin. My Question is when is my period coming?

I'm taking the 21 Pills with 7 days off.

Missed pill after unprotected sex. Took both the next day. Am I at risk of being pregnant?

Hi there im 25 yrs old and had unprotected sex last night by mistake, only to realise this morning i missed my pill yesterday being Sunday. i took both pills this morning being Monday and my pharmacist said this should keep me protected and i shouldn't worry, is this correct? the next thing is... read more

Does Topamax affect the effectiveness of the birth control pill Yasmin?

.I've heard that Topamax does interfer with B/C but then I read a study... that said under 150mg it does not effect BC. My neurologist says low doses (under 150mg) will NOT effect Yaz but my OBGYN was wishy washy on whether or not it would. Any help? I am on 50 mg (25mg AM / 25mg pm)

How many yasmin pills act as emergency contraceptive?

I had unprotected sex (27 sept night). Took 2 yaz pills next day(29 sept morn). But found out 4 had to be taken. So took 4 the day after(30 sept morn). Should I take 4 more after 12 hrs? Where i live, emergency contraceptive pills are not allowed. If ovulation had taken place before I took yaz... read more

What do I do if took Yasmin pills out of order? How do I get back on track?

I just started taking Yasmin (21 days) three days ago. (the pills are all yellow in color) On day two, I accidently took the last pill day three, i realized i took the wrong one and just took day two's pill. I realized that might have been a mistake and am wondering if anyone knows how to... read more

Birth control yasmin 21, start new pack one day early?

I have been using birth control Yasmin 21 for some months, and just started new pack. I realized I started earlier one day. Means I only had 6 days pills off (Placebo period) instead of 7 as it supposed to be. My question, should I add 1 pill and take 22 pills instead of 21? Or I can take 21 pills... read more

Triphasil - Oily skin and pimples - better to go off the pill?

I'm 30. I had been taking Yasmin for a long time, and had perfect skin. I went onto Oralcon for three months, and my skin became oily and I got a lot of pimples. Now I started Triphasal, and it hasn't gotten better. Will the skin situation improve if I rather go off any pill altogether?

Does anyone experience breast tenderness from Yaz?

Yasmin - I just switched back to Yaz from Ortho Tri Lo and for the most part I really like it... Except for the breast tenderness on the outer sides of both my breasts. Does anyone else experience this? It's not so uncomfortable that I cant lay on my stomach but I do notice it if I touch them.... read more

Yasmin vs Qlaira: Which one has less side effects?

I am 22 years old and I've been using Yasmin for about 3 years now. (to help with acne and severe period pain). I spoke to my new doctor and he suggested that I change to Qlaira for better contraception (seeing that I am getting married in September) and to help me re-balace my weight. I... read more

I want to know diffrnce btwen yasmin and ovral l pills...which is better and more effective?

Hi... I have been using yasmin for past 3 4 months now... but this month I hve to use this pill named ovral l... I m a little worried... about the side effects of the tablet... and if its good or not... Which is better betwen both of them... and how do I change from yasmin to ovral l???

Followed arrows wrong?

Hi guys I have been taken yasmin now the 2nd month after I had given birth I was on the injectables for about. 4 months thereafter I was put on the clinic pills 4 other 3 months it was blowing me up so I started on yasmin whiles on my period I started on the inactive side (saturday day 1 ) half way... read more

Switch from Yasmin to Yasminelle after the 7 day break, is there a risk?

Hello, I have been using Yasmin for 6 months now, My gyn changed me to Yasminelle but did not say anything about taking it right after the next day my package of Yasmin was over. I waited the 7 day break and took the pill when I was suppose to take the new package of Yasmin, but I took Yasminelle... read more

Is it still safe to have sex after I finish my Yasmin pill before my monthly period?

This is just my second month of taking pills. Last month, it took one week after my last pill.

For how long can one take Yasmin pills after one day of sex?

Need to know Yasmin pill can be used as pregnancy preventive when taken before or after a single day of sex

Does the Yaz or Yasmin birth control pill cause weight gain?

I have struggled with adult cystic acne for the last year and a half. I am currently on the nuvaring, but I was recommended this birth control for acne. I’m a type 1 diabetic, incredibly active, and eat very clean. However, I am greatly concerned about the possibility of weight gain. Has... read more

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