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Tremor Questions (Page 4)

Displaying 53 questions associated with Tremor.

Side effects from Armour when you start taking?

I have had an under active thyroid for 18 years. I have been on Eltroxin up until this year. I was changed to Armour and Eltroxin. I started to feel anxiety and tremors on the Armour and my bloods were still off. I have now been on Armour fir nearly a week and I feel dead, emotional and tingling in... read more

Divalproex sodium ER vs Lamictal?

My husband takes divalproex sodium ER for bipolar and jerking but now his tremors are worse. If he changes to Lamictal, will he still experience tremors?

I would like to ask a question about the relation between Synthroid dose, and lithium dose.

How can I distinguish hyperthyroidism from hypomania? I can no longer tolerate lithium and at 0 level, with Synthroid still taken at 0.112, I get excessive hyperactivity, energy, hunger, tremors, and anxiety. This happens after taking the Synthroid in a.m. and is palliated by lithium, which has now... read more

Takiing primidone and drinking alcohol?

Thinking of asking doc if i can change my med from propranolol to primidone to manage my essential tremor. Does anyone know if its safe to have a few beers while taking primidone ?

Oxcarbazepine - Chest pain? Sudden spasms?

I'm curious if anyone experiences chest pain, burning in their chest, or stabbing feelings in their chest, and sudden shakes or short episodes of tremors on Trileptal. I'm having a lot of that and it's definitely not anxiety. In case this is important information: I'm not... read more

Clonazepam protracted withdrawl and neuropathy?

I have been on clonazepam for more than 30 years at the steady dose of 1.5mg. I have started to get progressive neuropathic symptoms, e.g. tingling, butterflies in stomach, anxiety, tremor in the past few years. Because I added an extra dose during a peak of these symptoms, and noticed an... read more

Side effects of lisinopril?

I had severe tremor, had to stop everything. No quality of life. I couldn’t use cutlery or tools or play my musical instruments, or read the music or a book. Dizzy, many falls, lightheaded, can’t walk. Did anyone else suffer this tremor? It’s listed somewhere as a rare effect.

Escitalopram - I started Lexapro 9 days ago for anxiety, depression and tremors?

I feel worse than before I started it. Does it mean it’s not working for me? Or should I give it some more time? I’m literally lying down most of the day exhausted. Thanks for any suggestions.

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