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Sleep Questions (Page 3)

Displaying 750 questions associated with Sleep.

Ambien or trazodone - which is best for sleep?

I currently take ambien to sleep. I have to take 3 or more of them for them to work. My dr just switched me to trazodone, do you think it will work as good. I have horible insomnia and am very worried this med won't work as well as ambien...

Has anyone on Celexa experienced major drowsiness and trouble waking up(long periods of sleep)?

I have been taking Celexa for a few months now, and I know a side effect is drowsiness, but I find myself falling asleep and sleeping for a longer period and have difficulty waking/being woken up.

Does anyone ever get anxiety over taking meds?

I am always afraid to take new meds that the doctor prescribes me. I know certain meds and my body just do not work well

3rd day I taking Prozac... Why am I feeling like this?

Yesterday was my 3rd day taking 20mg of Prozac prescribed by the doctor for depression and major anxiety and panic attacks. I am 19 years old. The first day was okay, couldn't sleep well but that's all. 2nd day was good but woke up feeling anxious. Went to the restroom and had a panic... read more

Celexa - I can't sleep due to constant trips to the bathroom to pee?

I'm new to this med & recently increased from 10mg to 20 mg (at night) I can't get a good night's sleep. I fall asleep OK, but I wake up VERY early. I take a trip to the bathroom to urinate, & after that I CAN NOT fall back asleep. Mainly, because I can't shake the... read more

How long does Amitriptyline withdrawal last?

I was prescribed Amitriptyline 10mg to be taken at nighttime for migraine prevention. Well it was giving making my already bad insomnia even worse to the point that I was unable to sleep even with my prescription medicine for sleep. So I stopped taking it. I had only been taking it for a week and... read more

My toes are clenched up and my doctor had never seen anything like it. Anyone have any ideas?

Anyone had this problem or have any ideas to treat it? My inner 3 toes are clenched up 24/7. It hurts so badly that it makes it hard to sleep. It makes it difficult to walk. Also the clenching is so bad that my big toe constantly overlaps on top of the toe next to it. My leg is starting to hurt... read more

Wellbutrin - How long until the insomnia wears off?

Hello, I am on my first week of Wellbutrin (generic) IR and am not sleeping well. Does this side-effect eventually wear off? Will I ever be able to sleep again? I took a half of a Trazodone the other night and it did NOTHING to help me sleep. They used to knock me out. Maybe I'll try a whole... read more

What is the average dose of Xanax for sleep?

I am trying new medicines to help me sleep. I took 2mg Xanax tonight per order and it has been 2 hours. He decreased the Klonopin and I am going off 2 hrs. Can I go up in dosage or does it take time to get in your system?

At what point would you go to the hospital for insomnia?

I have been unable to sleep for the past 5 days... I have a long history of chronic insomnia, which runs in the family. In the recent months I've gone from sleeping 2-4 hrs a night, to sleeping around 4 hrs every other night, then sleeping 6 hrs or so after being up for 3,4 days and... read more

Trazodone - If 100mg did not put me to sleep should I try 150 tonight or 100mg again?

I have not been sleeping for more than 8-10 hours per WEEK - usually go 3-4 days with NO sleep and other days 2-3 hours if I took Lunesta and Melatonin. I pretty much stopped the Lunesta because it was not worth taking and laying awake. My mind races, I suspect I am in Peri-Menopause. So Dr wants... read more

Alternatives to Lisinopril? The cough & headaches are driving me insane!

What is a good inexpensive alternative to lisinopril? I am 50 years old and was prescribed lisinopril for high blood pressure. My family and friends have noticed my awful cough. I cant sleep and have zero energy for even the simplest things. I am slightly overweight but have always been very... read more

Sleep and Viibryd?

I've only been on Viibryd for 4 days but have had 3 nights of very bad sleep. Not being able to sleep is a deal breaker for me. I have mild circumstantial depression and had sleep problems to begin with, but could sleep quite well with a Unisom every night. I see many, but not all folks have... read more

Is it safe for a 9 month old baby to take Melatonin?

I know who gives their 9 month old baby melatonin every day he sleeps almost all day long minutes the two hours he spends crying .the parents don't give him any attention at all barley changing his diaper maybe twice a day.when he is awake he looks completely lethargic and... read more

Trazodone - How many hours do you sleep on trazadone?

I wanted to get some idea how many hours does trazadone make you sleep. I am considering bringing trazadone up for discussion with my doctor.

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