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Pantoprazole Questions (Page 3)

Displaying 56 questions associated with Pantoprazole.

Do famotidine and pantoprazole do the same thing?

Pantoprazole - When will I start to feel better after stopping pantoprazole?

I’ve been feeling very anxious and depressed lately and decided to stop my medicine. When will I feel normal again?

On pantoprazole. Has anyone developed insomnia?

Spacing medications to avoid any interactions. Doctor wants the famot & pantop taken together?

I’m trying to rearrange the schedule of my medications. I take famotidine & pantoprazole together. Then one hour later Motegrity. Next is 10ml extra-strength Mylanta an hour after the Motegrity. Half hour later is breakfast. Is this a safe or reasonable schedule for these meds?

Anyone take pantoprazole and have a sour bitter taste in their mouth?

I have been taking pantoprazole 40 mg for 4 years 9 months ago my pharmacy switched manufacturers every since then I have had a very sour bitter taste in my mouth. Has anyone else developed this problem? Thank you

Pantoprazole and Tirosint?

I take pantoprazole for serious reflux/GERD. I also take Tirosint for hypothyroidism first thing in the morning. One pharmacist told me that I should wait 4 hours to take the pantoprazole after taking the Tirosint. Another said that it is not an antacid and can be taken 30 minutes apart (Tirosint... read more

I have taken pantoprazole for 2 days and feel dizzy does this go away with time or stay until you go

I have taken pantoprazole for 2 days and feel dizzy does this go away with time or stay until you go off it? I was prescribed it because I was having chest pains that mimicked my recent heart attack and angioplasty, and Cardiologist said to trial the medication to manage the chest pain

Pepcid AC - Will Pepcid make me hungry like PPI's do?

Taking pantoprazole causes me to overeat. I assume this is true for all PPI's. Will Pepcid AC have the same effect?

How to take the below medicines with the least interactions?

My mom recently moved to PA from SC and has been prescribed all these medicines. She takes the Escitalopram in the morning, the Pantoprazole at supper and everything else at lunch time. Should they be spaced out differently? Pantoprazole sodium Pravastatin sodium, Metoprolol succ ER, Clonidine... read more

When to take medications with interactions?

Take levothyroxine, Pantoprazole, Cholestyramine, Amitriptyline, that interact with each other. Especially Levothyroxine and Pantoprazole which I should take in morning on empty stomach at 4 hours apart and wait at 1/2 to hour to eat. What should I do?

Barrett's Esophagus - I have been taking Pantoprazole for 16 years for Barretts esophagus.

I am developing skeletal, joint pains for a little over a year now and have been tested for autoimmune diseases which were all negative. Also had a recent Bone scan and it shows low bone mass in a few places. Can this be caused by excessive use of pantoprazole? My doctor wants me to stay on it. I... read more

I take pantoprazole (protonix) and I have had a sore throat/hoarseness for a few months?

direct result of pantopazole or what? and if so is it reversable.

Can I stop taking pantoprazole abruptly or do I have to be weaned off?

I have been taking it for about 3 months.

Will pantoprazole inhibit the absorption of calcium and vitamin d into the body?

I have been taking pantroprazole for 10 years or more and was just diagnosed with advanced osteopenia. I am 48 years old and in good physical condition. I am 5'6", I weigh 127 pounds and have a good diet. I am very physically active.

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