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Motion Sickness Questions

Related terms: Sea Sickness

Displaying 20 questions associated with Motion Sickness.

What is the Benadryl hat man?

How long does Benadryl take to work?

Does Benadryl help with or cause anxiety?

Does Benadryl make you sleepy?

Does Ginger interact with any drugs?

Can you take Benadryl while pregnant?

Does anyone feel they have permanent vision loss from 1 time use (7 days) of scopolamine?

I used the transderm-scop patch for a week about a year ago while on a small fishing boat. My vision became quite blurred by the end of the trip... so bad I couldn't read the numbers on my cellphone, etc. Once I took off the patch, my vision improved substantially... but never seemed to return... read more

I can't find Cyclizine (marezine) to buy. I need it to travel in cars, boats, planes, etc. Anyone?

... know who's selling it and how to buy it?

Does anyone think a Daith piercing might help prevent motion sickness?

Severe motion sickness

Do motion sickness tablets help with anxiety and nausea?

I was wondering since nausea caused by anxiety is essentially more mental as opposed to being a physical stomach upset, would motion sickness pills help since they work by blocking the brains signals which cause nausea and vomiting?

Can I take Zofran and Dramamine at the same time?

Can I take Famotidine with Dramamine? Is it safe?

I take Dramamine regularly because it helps control my nausea. I also suffer from stomach acids so my doctor told me to try famotidine, i started taking them today but forgot I had taken them and took dramamine too.

How long does it take effect? Can one take meclizine for a long period of time due to nausea?

I've had vertigo for three weeks with constant "sea sickness" and balance problems. I aw my physician twice and did some therapy. Therapy didn't seem to change anything (8 sessions). Is this common?

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Related condition support groups

Nausea / Vomiting

Related drug support groups

Benadryl, diphenhydramine, promethazine, meclizine, Phenergan, Dramamine

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