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Fleet Enema Questions (Page 2)

Displaying 18 questions associated with Fleet Enema.

Does being severely constipated cause your back and ribs to hurt whike moving taking deep breaths ?

I am very constipated from the meds I am on ..I went to the er they did an xray the doc showed me it and said my colon was filled with no more room I came home did the fleet enema and drank the citra drink and nothing it hurts soo bad to breath and move to stand etc please help

Fleet Enema - I think I need to insert a 2nd one?

held first enema for 6 minutes. Have evacuated 80% watery liquid and 20% diarrhea 3 times in the last 20 minutes. I do NOT feel the relief I am wanting. Is it safe to take a 2nd one this evening? If so, what are the instructions?

Are my unusual bowel movements normal after the use of a fleet enema?

Hi. Male age 35 . I take stool softener every day due to my constipation caused by pain meds. I missed my softener dose 5 days in a row, causing me to get blocked up bad. This led to a bad case of thrombosed external hemorrhoids. Was prescribed the fleet saline enema. Used as directed I was able to... read more

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