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Autism Questions

Related terms: Autistic Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder

Displaying 18 questions associated with Autism.

Vraylar vs Abilify - How do they compare?

Can a man taking depakote cause children to have birth defects and disabilities I have 3 kids same?

... dad all have disabilities from seizures to cerebral palsey Autism Adhd bipolar schitzofrinia cognitive disorder wheel chair bound to name a few

How long should you stay on risperdal ?

son had bad behaviour at early puberty was put on risperdal,has been on it 13years,now when something is not right for him(we have to guess what) he will hit the nearest person very hard,not good he is 24yrs and over 6feet tall i think he should come off risperdal as its not doing anything for... read more

Does Abilify cause weight gain?

Risperdal/Risperidone Withdrawal Side Effects?

I am currently taking 1mg to sometimes 2mg doses of Risperdal/Risperidone. What are the withdrawal effects with my dosage? Is it true paranoia (hallucinations) and delusions would occur? Or just mild irritability/ticking/twitching?

Vraylay vs Abilify - how do they compare?

I was recently prescribed Vraylar but I was leaning more towards Abilify. Which medication is better? How are they different? Any information would help!

I accidently took two doses of 300 mg of venlafaxine, 5 hours apart?

The second dose was tomorrow's dosage, and I took them on autopilot when I intended to take some Aleve. Is 600 mg enough to worry about? There was one time 4 or so years ago that I took 600 mg all at once one morning, and I literally fell asleep standing up, later in the day... and then puked... read more

Aripiprazole - how long does ability maintena stay in your system? (300mg injection)?

some doctors are saying the half-life is something like 75 hours or 375 hours to be completely out of you system (75x5) . whereas other sources are saying the elimination half life is something like 28 days, which would mean it takes roughly 144 days to be out of you system (28x5). which... read more

Would appetite loss be a withdrawal symptom of Cymbalta (or any duloxetine brand)?

I am a high functioning Autistic with some problems with anxiety and mild depression. I take Cymbalta to help with my anxiety and depression issues and Vyvanse to help with some of my Autism symptoms. Both medications are known to suppress appetite as a side effect, however I only really... read more

Would usage of antipsychotics (Abilify, Risperdal, Thorazine) cause long-lasting harm to a 8yr old?

That eight year old was me, decades ago. I took about 45 different antipsychotics and various meds of that type between ages of 7-17. They were used to treat some situational behavioral issues. I have list of pills I was prescribed in early childhood, and I took anything from Apriprazole to Zoloft.... read more

Is it possible to experience withdrawal symptoms in between doses of Effexor XR?

I take 75mg of Effexor XR every day in the morning. Towards the afternoon/evening I tend to experience hot flashes, dizziness, nausea, headaches, irritability, and flu-like sensations (I feel as if I’m sick). I looked up the symptoms online and discovered these are symptoms that one... read more

Does Abilify cause weight gain?

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