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Results for 'Sta-D Tylenol Vicodin Migraine Hypoglycemia Chronic Medical'

What is the difference between tylenol 3 and vicodin and which is safer?

I currently take vicodin on a daily basis because I have chronic daily migraines due to hypoglycemia... I am only 24 and... read more

What does PMP stand for in medical records?

For chronic pain is it better to use tramadol or Tylenol #4?

For treating back pain and upper leg pain, General all over body pain due to fibromyalgia including chronic headaches

Vicodin HP - what does the HP stand for?

Does vicodin or percocet come without tylenol?

I have had back surgery. doctor says vicodin and percocet have tylenol and can't be taken together because theres much... read more

Lyrica or medical marijuana?

Dr.'s are not sure if I have Lupus, or fibromyalgia. Going to a rheumatologist mid Dec. The marijuana takes the edge off. I heard & read... read more

Chronic Migraine - What has more side effects, Qulipta or Nurtec?

I need to decide on a drug for my chronic migraines. I have tried many. And they do not seem to work. I am 78, so some of the meds they will... read more

When is the best time of the day to take Qulipta?

Can I take Tylenol and Synthroid at the same time in the a.m.?

I have back spasms and need to take Tylenol in the morning. I am in the process of medical tests to ascertain why I am now suffering... read more

How do you use the Aimovig autoinjector?

What is the mechanism of action of Aimovig?

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