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Results for 'Risperdal Risperidone Urinary Incontinence Side Effect Dosage Tremor Bipolar Disorder Mania Agitation Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Severe Mood Dysregulation Social Anxiety Disorder'

Help with auditory hallucinations?

I have bipolar and ptsd, and i have severe auditory hallucinations. I take risperidone and it used to help but it’s no... read more

What are alternatives to risperidone?

Is there an alternative to risperidone? My my daughter is bipolar & still hears voices in her head ☹️

How long does citalopram take to work?

I’ve been on citalopram for 6 days now, started off feeling pretty awful the usual side effects that most people mention.. I’ve... read more

I took just one 5mg escitalopram dose can I stop?

I have emotional instability while I'm doing EMDR therapy for PTSD the therapy and what we're talking about makes my moods unstable. After... read more

Risperdal/Risperidone Withdrawal Side Effects?

I am currently taking 1mg to sometimes 2mg doses of Risperdal/Risperidone. What are the withdrawal effects with my dosage? Is it... read more

Upping Zoloft Dose 50mg to 100mg feeling side effects 10 days in?

Hello all another post about Zoloft, I have been on Zoloft for about 5 weeks and 5 days. The first month I was on 50mg and it was rough about... read more

Does Lamictal help ANXIETY, OCD, BPD - ?

I was on Zoloft and had to immed. quit it due to horrible/dangerous side effects that I was experiencing. So now my psychiatrist put me on... read more

Quetiapine - Im bipolar and trying to become pregnant. I told this to my pdoc, but he put me on?

... 100mg of seroquel anyway. Im on day three, and feel anxious-even with my clonapam and 200mg of zoloft. something just doesn't feel right,... read more

Zoloft am I normal? Will all the side effects go away?

I've been on Zoloft 6 days I feel hopeless I'm good one moment then panic the next should I stick it out I get confused its worse than... read more

Sertraline - Does sertraline actually help?

I mean it could just be that you are having a good day.. I don't take any anti depressants and I feel good some days and bad at other times but... read more

Zoloft EMOTIONAL NUMBNESS Side effects How long will this last?

(took the pill 10:00PM 26th) (October 27th 4:00PM)Believe it or not I already feel my medication, it felt pretty good at first but as the day went... read more

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