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Results for 'ProAir HFA Asthma - Acute Asthma - Maintenance'

I have received three defective canisters of ProAir HFA?

... that stopped propelling far before the canisters were empty. My pharmacy referred me to the lab that made them, and the lab said that they had a... read more

How do you use the ProAir Digihaler?

ProAir Digihaler vs Respiclick, what's the difference?

What is difference between ProAir HFA and Symbicort?

Will proair substitute for use of symbicort?

Albuterol vs Atrovent inhalers?

recently got diagnosed with allergy induced asthma. the doc gave me both for some reason, stated to take the Atrovent first then if... read more

Advair vs Breo?

I have moderate asthma and control it with Singulair (allergies & asthma), and Advair inhaled medication. My doctor... read more

I take several asthma medications such as albuteral for the neubilizer, singular, adavair 500?

will this cause a negative test, when i random drug test?

Levofloxacin for COPD and its conflict with theophylline?

My dad is 80 years old and he is a COPD patient. He has been diagnosed with sepsis and has been taking levofloxacin for 5 days now. Apart from having... read more

Advair Diskus - Can I use it only 1 time per day?

I find my asthma is well maintained with 1,dose a day.

Breo Ellipta - How long does breo take to work?

I just got switched to breo from advair bc I had a constant wheezing that won't go away. My question is how long does breo take to work?... read more

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