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Results for 'Pristiq Zoloft Depression Anxiety Generalized Anxiety Disorder Desvenlafaxine Sertraline Major Depressive Disorder Taper'

Switching from desvenlafaxine (Pristiq) to dertraline (Zoloft)?

I have been on Pristiq for about 6 years and have never reached a point where I have felt I was "living" my life. Today my doctor... read more

I missed 3 weeks of my 100mg Zoloft (sertraline) dose.

I missed 2-3 weeks of my 100mg dose of Zoloft. I take it nightly. I fell back into a depression, and stopped taking it entirely. I am... read more

Does Zoloft (sertraline) cause hair loss?

Hello, I started on 25 mg of sertraline for one week then took 50mg the next week and the third week I am currently on 75 mg. I noticed my... read more

Sertraline has made anxiety unbearable?

I came of Pristiq about 8 weeks ago for anxiety/depression and tried to ho with no meds. Had my 6 week honeymoon period... read more

Do initial Zoloft/sertraline symptoms get worse before the getting better?

I’ve recently been diagnosed with PTSD and the depression/generalized anxiety that accompanies it. I’ve been... read more

Sertraline - can you go back onto Zoloft after 4 months on Pristiq?

i was on Zoloft for 16 years after weaning my doctor changed it to Pristiq. After 2 months of side effects doctor changed it back to... read more

Sertraline - teeth grinding on Zoloft 50mg that started after 2 weeks continuing?

After being on Zoloft for over two weeks, I started grinding my teeth and having pain in my teeth. It has already been six days like this. Has... read more

How long does Zoloft (sertraline) take to work?

Sertraline - Feeling worse on 4th week on Zoloft?

I started Zoloft on 17th of January. Felt good right away(probably placebo). Now on the 4th week and feel depressed and anxious again. Cant... read more

Will sertraline eventually work?

I started on sertraline with 50mg the first week, then I was increased to 100mg for the past 3 weeks. I still have increased... read more

Sertraline - taking 100mg of Steraline?

I have been in 100mg of steraline (Zoloft) for 3 months but I had to stop taking it because I was on a birth control that made me incredibly... read more

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