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Results for 'Prednisone Contact Dermatitis Weight Dosage'

I am on low-dose prednisone for 10 days to treat poison sumac. Is it likely to cause weight gain?

I have gained about 1 1/2 lbs. in the first week. Is it likely related to the prednisone?

Should 40mg dosage be tapered after 5 days of use?

I have hypothyroidism, am pre diabetic, and have osteopenia. I recently was given 20mg pills of prednisone, 2 pills daily (40mg)for... read more

If Prednisone inhibits or slows healing, why do I heal so well when taking it?

I have a severe skin issue that so far has only been diagnosed as "eczema". The cause has not been found, and so neither has a cure. I am... read more

Can I take prednisone with supplements, diagnosed with poison ivy?

I am taking 40 mg of prednisone for 5 days and then 20 mg for five days-10 day treatment. I also take CO-Q10 (200 mg), Vitamin C (500-1,000... read more

Where should you not use triamcinolone acetonide cream?

What about a swollen tongue as a result of predisone... 4 x daily for five days?

I was taking predisone (10mg)for three days... due to itching from poison ivy... after three days, one night I got a swollen tongue (reaction?) Any... read more

Can I take prednisone 5mg once a week on long term basis? If yes will I still put on weight? What?

... can be the common side effects?

Can halobetasol propionate be bought over-the-counter (OTC)?

What is fluocinonide cream good for?

Is Diprolene available over-the-counter (OTC)?

Diprolene: AF vs Augmented vs Regular - What does this mean?

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